Ashwani Assam
Assistant Professor of Department of
Mechanical Engineering
R308 Block 3 Academic Area
Indian Institute of Technology Patna,
Bihta, Bihar - 801106
E-mail: aashwani@iitp.ac.in
Phone: +91-611-523-38829
Google Scholar
Orcid ID:
Assam is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of
Mechanical Engineering at the IndianInstitute of Technology (IIT),
Patna. Formerly, he was a DST Inspire Faculty in the department. He did
his post-doc at IIT Palakkad. He received his Bachelor’s degree in
Mechanical in 2012 from Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, India,
and his M-Tech and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical and Aerospace in 2014
and 2019, respectively. He was recipient of Institute Gold and Silver
Medal during his M-Tech at IIT Hyderabad. His research interest
includes Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Compressible fluid flow,
Micro and Nano Flows, Rarefied Gas Dynamics,Turbulence, Machine Learning, Drone Aerodynamics, and Direct Simulation Monte Carlo
Simulation. He has been involved in developing in-house CFD codes. He
has also been working with openSource CFD codes such as OpenFOAM and SU2.
Current Research Topics
- Development of CFD Algorithms for Hypersonic Flow problems, Overset Mesh, Fluid-Structure Interaction
- Electronic Cooling (Development of Enhanced heat transfer techniques)
- Use of Hybrid RANS-LES approach for solving aeroacoustic problems
- Electromgnetic-Mechanical and Thermal analysis of high-speed motors
- Boiling Acoustics (Along with Dr. Rishi
Raj, ME, IITP)
- PhD and post-doctoral positions are available for the research
topics mentioned above.
Awards and Achievements
- INSPIRE Faculty Fellowship from Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India (2020-2025)
- Institute gold and silver medal for securing
highest CGPA in M-Tech (in all Departments and in Mechanical
- Academic excellence award for the Year 2012-13 in the Mechanical M-Tech category
- Laureate certificate for academic performance in the year 2008
- Member of Open FOAM user group at IIT Hyderabad
of Professional Bodies
- Life member to the Indian Society for Heat and Mass Transfer (ISHMT)
Post-Doctoral Work
- DST Inspire Faculty, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Patna. (Time duration: July 2020 to February 2022)
- Institute Post-Doctoral Fellow at IIT Palakkad, Kerala. (Mentor: Dr. Ganesh Natarajan. Time duration: July 2019 to July 2020)
Educational Qualifications
Class/ Degree
Board/ University
School/ College
Year of passing
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Hyderabad,
M.TECH (Thermo-fluid)
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Hyderabad,
B.E. (Mechanical)
BIT Mesra
Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi, Jharkhand
DAV Public School, Patna, Bihar
Don Bosco Academy, Patna, Bihar
- ME503 Computational Fluid Dynamics
- ME541 Turbulent Shear Flows
- ME542 Aerodynamics
- ME393 Engineering Software Lab.
- ME110 Workshop - I
- ME663 Gas Dynamics and Propulsion
- ME395/396 Engineering Practicum
- A
group of B-Tech 2018 batch students design and developed a virtual lab
of Fluid Mechanics in form of an app under the supervision of Dr.
Kaleem Khan, Dr. M Pathak and myself. (Website and App Link)
- A group of B-Tech 2019 batch students developed a virtual
lab for heat transfer under the supervision of Dr. Kaleem Khan, Dr. M
Pathak, Dr R Raj and myself.
Professional Activities
- Faculty Advisor: B-Tech 2020 (Mechanical Engineering, IITP)
- Faculty Advisor: M-Tech (Mechanical) 2021 (Mechanical Engineering, IITP)
- Programme Director: Executive M-Tech Program in Mechatronics, IITP
- Department Secretary (October 2022 – March 2023)
- Design of New Course/Program:
- Executive M-Tech Program (along with Dr Atul Thakur, IITP)
- B-Tech in Aerospace Engineering (along with Dr M. Pathak, IITP) (In progress)
- M-Tech in Mechanical Engineering with Specialization in Thermo-Fluid (along with Dr Kaleem Khan, IITP)
- Designed a new elective course, “Gas Dynamics and Propulsion” (along with Dr Deepu)
- Designed
a new undergraduate course, “Data Analytics and Machine Learning Tools
for Engineers” (along with Dr Rishi Raj and Dr Atul Thakur)
- Core
Member,27th National and 5th International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass
Transfer Conference (IHMTC-2023), December 14-17, 2023, held at IIT
- Design of Google Form and API script based prospective Faculty assessment form for Faculty shortlisting round
- Professor In Charge - GIAN & SPARC (Sep. 2022 - Sep. 2023)
- Nodal Officer - Visvesvaraya Ph.D Scheme (Sep. 2022 - Sep. 2023)
- Professor In Charge - Training & Placement Cell (March 2023 - till date)
- Core Member,27th National and 5th International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat
and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC-2023), December 14-17, 2023, held
at IIT Patna
- Served as session chair in 27th National and 5th International
ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC-2023), December
14-17, 2023, held at IIT Patna
- Participated in Manak Pravardhak, Two-day BIS workshop for the
Engagement of Young Professionals held on 27-28 March 2024 at BIS
National Institute of Training for Standardization (NITS), Noida
- Coordinated ``Introduction to ANSYS Multiphysics Training" at IIT Patna from 08th to 15th September (Online mode)
- Organized (as PIC TnP) the 37th All IIT’s Placement Committee (AIPC) Meeting on September 23, 2023, held at IIT Patna
- Coordinated ``Advanced Training on Ansys Structural and
Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Tools" at IIT Patna from 08th to 15th
September (Offline mode)
- Department Website Coordinator (May 2024 -- till date)
- Organized two-day ``TPO Meet" for Training and Placement Officer
or In-charge of Government Polytechnic Colleges of Bihar on 17th and
18th January 2025. (As Professor-In-Charge TnP along with Director
Office, IIT Patna)
- Coordinated the workshop ``Essentials of CFD using ANSYS Fluent" at IIT Patna on 21st January, 2025
- Kumar, V., Ranjan, A., Assam, A.,
& Prabhakaran, D. (2024). Dynamics of a hot flexible cantilever
plate under natural convection heat transfer in a square cavity.
Physics of Fluids, 36(11). (Link)
- Amit, K., Assam, A., &
Raj, A. (2024). Heat transfer characteristics of pulsatile flow through
microchannel with heat-spots: Mimicking heat generation in the blood
vessels. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 159,
108296. (Link)
- Kumar, R., Kumar, A., & Assam, A.
(2024). Investigating forced convection in porous media-filled cavities
for designing supplementary passive cooling systems. Thermal Science
and Engineering Progress, 55, 102914. (Link)
- Ajaya Kumar, A., & Assam, A.
(2024). Addressing performance improvement of a neural network model
for Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes solutions with high wake formation.
Engineering Computations. (Link)
- Amit, K., Assam, A.,
& Raj, A. (2024). Droplet migration through deformable stenosed
microchannel: Dynamics and blockage. Physics of Fluids, 36(5).( Link)
- Upadhyay, A., Hazra, S. K., Assam, A.,
& Raj, R. (2023). Review of the current status and the potential of
machine learning tools in boiling heat transfer. Numerical Heat
Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, 1-44. ( Link)
- Amit, K., Assam, A.
& Raj, A. Pressure-flow characteristics of a microchannel combining
super-hydrophobicity and wall compliance. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 27, 64
(2023). ( Link)
- Kumar, V., Assam, A.,
& Prabhakaran D. (2023). Dynamics of a wall-mounted cantilever
plate under low Reynolds number transverse flow in a two-dimensional
channel. Physics of Fluids, 35 (8), 083605. (Link)
- Sharma,
V., & Assam,
(2023) Aero-Thermal Analysis of Rarefied Flow Over Inverse Cone Shaped
Objects Using Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Analysis. ASME Journal of
Heat Mass Transfer, 145(10), 101801. (Both Author Contributed Equally) (Link)
- Shah, M. S., Gupta, D., Saha, P., Assam, A., & Sarkar, C. (2023)
A novel flushing technique to improve micro-EDM dressing process
stability: assessment through analyzing debris evacuation. The
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 127,
775–794. (Link)
- Kumar,
S., & Assam, A.
(2023). Effect of rarefaction on thermal and chemical non-equilibrium
for Hypersonic flow with different enthalpy and catalytic wall
conditions. ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering
Applications, 15(7), 071012. (Link)
- Deka, M., Assam, A., & Natarajan, G. (2023). A least squares perspective of Green–Gauss gradient schemes. Physics of Fluids, 35(3), 031710. (Link)
- Sharma, V., & Assam, A.
(2022). Evaluation of novel wall function approach for supersonic flow
problems involving separations induced by geometry and shocks.
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 123, 75-88. (Link)
- Assam, A., &
Natarajan, G. (2021). A novel least squares finite volume scheme for
discontinuous diffusion on unstructured meshes. Computers &
Mathematics with Applications, 96, 120-130. (Link)
- Kalkote, N., Assam, A. & Eswaran, V. (2021), Toward the implementation of a multi-component
framework in a density-based flow solver for handling chemically
reacting flows, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat
& Fluid Flow, Vol. 31 No. 10, pp. 3169-3195. (Link)
- Kalkote, N., Kumar, A., Assam, A., & Eswaran, V. (2020), Performance of the k-kL model for aerodynamics
applications, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat &
Fluid Flow, Vol. 22 No. 8, pp. 3985-4011.( Link)
- Assam, A., Nived, M. R.,
Kalkote, N. N., & Eswaran, V. (2020). A numerical study of shock
and heating with rarefaction for hypersonic flow over a cylinder.
Journal of Heat Transfer, 142(1), 014501. (Link)
- Joshi, A., Assam, A.,
Nived, M. R., & Eswaran, V. (2019). A generalised wall function
including compressibility and pressure-gradient terms for the
Spalart–Allmaras turbulence model. Journal of Turbulence, 20(10),
626-660. (Link)
- Kalkote, N., Assam, A.,
& Eswaran. V. (2019). Acceleration of later convergence in a
density-based solver using adaptive time stepping. AIAA Journal, 57(1),
- Kalkote, N., Assam, A. &
Eswaran, V. (2019), Towards developing an adaptive time stepping for
compressible unsteady flows, International Journal of Numerical Methods
for Heat & Fluid Flow, Vol. 29 No. 2, pp. 487-503.(Link)
- Assam, A., Kalkote, N.,
Dongari, N., & Eswaran, V. (2019). Investigation of non-equilibrium
boundary conditions considering sliding friction for micro/nano flows.
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow,
29(8), 2501-2523. (Link)
- Assam, A., Kalkote, N.,
Dongari, N., & Eswaran, V. (2018). Comprehensive evaluation of a
new type of Smoluchowski temperature jump condition. AIAA Journal,
56(11), 4621-4625. (Link)
- Assam, A., Narayan
Kalkote, N., Sharma, V., & Eswaran, V. (2018). An automatic wall
treatment for Spalart–Allmaras turbulence model. Journal of Fluids
Engineering, 140(6). (Link)
Conference Articles
- Kumar, V., Assam, A.,
& Prabhakaran, D. (2024). Numerical Investigations and Analysis of
a Flexible Cantilever Plate in a 2D Closed Channel. Bulletin of the
American Physical Society.
- Kumar, V., Assam, A.,
& Prabhakaran, D., Dynamics of 2D Elastic Cantilever Plate placed
in a Channel at low Reynolds number transverse Flow, Proceedings of the
27th National and 5th International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer
Conference, (IHMTC), Paper ID: IHMTC2023-242, IIT Patna, Patna-801106,
Bihar, India, December 14-17, 2023.
- Raj, A., Alam Md. Q., Assam A.,
& Raj R., Numerical Validation of Acoustic Emissions from a Train
of Bubbles Departing from an Underwater Nozzle, Proceedings of the 27th
National and 5th International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer
Conference, (IHMTC), Paper ID: IHMTC2023-364, IIT Patna, Patna-801106,
Bihar, India, December 14-17, 2023.
- Alam Md. Q., Upadhyay A., Assam A.,
& Raj R., Improving Acoustic Emission Modeling of Underwater Bubble
Detachment by Accounting for Compressibility Effects, Proceedings of
the 27th National and 5th International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass
Transfer Conference, (IHMTC), Paper ID: IHMTC2023-415, IIT Patna,
Patna-801106, Bihar, India, December 14-17, 2023.
- Kumar A., Kumar S., K, & Assam, A.,
Validation of hypersonic CFD solver hy2FOAM with emphasis on the need
for modelling chemical non-equilibrium, Proceedings of the 27th
National and 5th International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer
Conference, (IHMTC), Paper ID: IHMTC2023-398, IIT Patna, Patna-801106,
Bihar, India, December 14-17, 2023.
- Kumar R., Tripath A., K, & Assam, A.,
Towards enhanced cooling techniques in the reservoir section of a
closed-loop liquid cooling system, Proceedings of the 27th National and
5th International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference,
(IHMTC), Paper ID: IHMTC2023-457, IIT Patna, Patna-801106, Bihar,
India, December 14-17, 2023.
- Amit, K, Assam, A., &
Raj, A., Analysis of a Deformable Stenosed Microchannel for Cell
Migration: A Guide for Blockage Prediction, Proceedings of the 27th
National and 5th International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer
Conference, (IHMTC), Paper ID: IHMTC2023-332, IIT Patna, Patna-801106,
Bihar, India, December 14-17, 2023.
- Amit, K, Assam, A., &
Raj, A., Heat Transfer Analysis in Pulsating Laminar Flow for
Biological Applications, Proceedings of the 27th National and 5th
International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, (IHMTC),
Paper ID: IHMTC2023-287, IIT Patna, Patna-801106, Bihar, India,
December 14-17, 2023.
- Assam, A., &
Sharma, V., Numerical Analysis of Flow Properties on a Cone-Shaped Body
in Rarefied Flow, 14th Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics (ACFD)
Conference, Paper No. 15, HAL Management Academy, Bengaluru, India,
October 30th – November 2nd, 2023.
- Amit, K, Assam, A.,
& Raj, A., Search for a Durable Superhydrophobic Microchannel for
Intesive Drag Reduction, Proceedings of the 1st Indian Conference on
Micro Nano Fluidics (ICOM) 2023, Paper ID: ICOM0075, IIT Madras,
Chennai-600036, Tamil Nadu, India, Sep 29 -- Oct 1, 2023.
- Amit, K, Assam, A.,
Raj, A. Dynamics of droplet motion in stenosed deformable
microchannel, 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF) ,
Paper No. 423, Kobe, Japan, April 2 – 7 , 2023.
- Alam Md. Q., Upadhyay A., Assam A., Raj R. Numerical Investigation of Passive Acoustic Emissions during
Bubble Departure from an Underwater Orifice, CHEMCON 2022, HBTU
Kanpur, India, 27th Dec – 30th Dec 2022.
- Amit, K, Assam, A.,
Raj, A. Hydrodynamics resistance of stenosed deformable microchannel
for droplet migration, 49th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics
and Fluid Power (FMFP), Paper No. 2589, IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand,
India, December 14-16, 2022.
- Amit, K, Assam, A.,
Raj, A. Pressure flow characteristics of a deformable microchannel
with a superhydrophobic wall, 49th National Conference on Fluid
Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), Paper No. 2897, IIT Roorkee,
Uttarakhand, India, December 14-16, 2022
- Amit, K, Assam, A., Raj, A. Role of deformability and super-hydrophobicity in the
microchannel, 26th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems
for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2022, Chemical and Biological
Microsystems Society, 23-27 October, Hangzhou, China.
- Ananthajit A, Assam, A.,
Training of Neural Network on Selectively Generated Data for flow over
airfoils at higher angle of attack, 48th National Conference on Fluid
Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), Paper No. 202, BITS Pilani India,
December 27-29, 2021.
- Kalkote N., Nived M.R., Assam A., An Assessment of NL-LUSGS, Non-Linear Equation Solution Algorithm for
Time-Accurate Marching in Compressible Flows on Hybrid-Unstructured
Grid, 26th National and 4th International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass
Transfer Conference (IHMTC-2021), Paper No. 608, IIT Madras, December
17-20, 2021.
- Boban, J., Ahmed, A., Assam, A.
(2021). Effect of recirculation zone on debris evacuation during EDM
deep hole drilling. Procedia CIRP, 102, 393-398.
- Nived M.R., Kalkote N., Assam A., and
Eswaran V., Applications of k − kl Turbulent Flow Model to The
Engineering Flows, 25th National and 3rd International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat
and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC-2019), Paper No.–664, IIT Roorkee,
India, December 28-31, 2019.
- Kalkote N., Nived M.R., Assam A., and
Eswaran V., Stable implementation of k − kl turbulent flow model in
unstructured grid CFD solver, 25th National and 3rd International
ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC-2019), Paper
No.–525, IIT Roorkee, India, December 28-31, 2019.
- Assam A., Kalkote N., Nived M. R.,
Eswaran V., Performance of Various Convective Scheme for Hypersonic
Flows. 7th International and 45th National Conference on Fluid
Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), Paper no. 260, IIT Bombay, Mumbai,
India, December 10-12, 2018.
- Kalkote N., Assam A., Eswaran V.,
Application of Adaptive Time-Stepping for Steady/Unsteady Flows, 10th
International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ICCFD10),
Paper No. 148, Barcelona, Spain, July 9-13, 2018.
- Sharma V., Assam A., Eswaran V.,
Investigation Of Turbulent Mixing Layer With Compressibility
Corrections For RANS Models, 10th International Conference on
Computational Fluid Dynamics (ICCFD10), Paper No. 168, Barcelona,
Spain, July 9-13, 2018.
- Kalkote N., Assam A., Nived M. R.,
Eswaran V., Investigation of All-Speed SLAU Scheme in Incompressible
Limit. 5th International Conference on Computational Methods for
Thermal Problems (THERMACOMP - 2018), Paper no. 76, Indian Institute of
Science, Bangalore, India, July 9-11, 2018.
- Assam A., Kalkote N., Dongari N., Eswaran
V., Use of the Pressure Jump Boundary Condition in the High Speed
Rarefied Gas Flows, 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics
(Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems) (ECCM 6) and the 7th European
Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD 7), ECCOMAS, Paper No.
21, Glasgow, UK, June 11-15, 2018.
- Assam A., Sharma V., and Eswaran V.
Automatic Wall Treatment for Spalart-Allmaras Turbulence Model, 24th
National and 2nd International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer
Conference (IHMTC-2017), Paper No. 479, BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus,
India, December 27-30, 2017.
- Athkuri S. S. C., Sharma V., Assam A.,
Eswaran V., Performance of Convective Schemes in Density-Based Solver,
24th National and 2nd International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer
Conference (IHMTC-2017), Paper No. 174, BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus,
India, December 27-30, 2017.
- Sharma V., Assam A., Eswaran V.,
Numerical Simulation of Turbulent High-Speed Plane Jets - A Validation
with Experimental Results, 24th National and 2nd International
ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC-2017), Paper No.
62, BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, India, December 27-30, 2017.
- Assam A., Kalkote N., Dongari N., Eswaran
V., Computation of Rarefied Gas Flows in Nano/micro Devices using an
Indigenous developed Computational Fluid Dynamics Solver, International
Conference on Nanotechnology: Ideas, Innovations & Initiatives
(ICN:3I). Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering &
Centre of Nanotechnology, Paper No. 498, Indian Institute of Technology
Roorkee, India, December 6-8, 2017.
- Sharma V., Assam A., Eswaran V.,
Development of All Speed Three-Dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics
Solver for Unstructured Grids, 6th International and 43rd National
Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP), Paper No. 21,
Allahabad, India, Dec. 15-17 2016.
- Gijare H., Assam A., Dongari N.,
Aero-Thermodynamics Optimization of Reentry Capsule in the Slip Flow
Regime, 23rd National and 1st International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass
Transfer Conference (IHMTC-2015), Paper No. 487, LPSC, ISRO,
Trivandrum, Kerala, India, December 17-20, 2015.
Book Chapters
- Ananthajit, A., & Assam, A. (2023).
Training of Neural Network on Selectively Generated Data for Flow over
Airfoils at Higher Angle of Attack. In Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power
(Vol. 3) Select Proceedings of FMFP 2021 (pp. 1-6). Singapore: Springer
Nature Singapore. (Link)
- Boban, J., Ahmed, A., & Assam, A. (2021). Effect of recirculation zone on debris evacuation during EDM deep hole drilling. Procedia CIRP, 102, 393-398. (Link)
Invited Talks/Workshop/Symposium
- Presented CFD results titled "Numerical Simulation of Hypersonic
Intake using SU2" at the SPICES 4 Workshop, part of SAROD 2024, held in
Thiruvananthapuram, December 12–14, 2024.
- Expert Lecture, "Introduction to CFD in Multiphase Problems" in the
SERB Workshop on ``Emerging Trends in Liquid-Vapor Phase Change Heat
Transfer" organised by Dr. Rishi
Raj at IIT Patna. Date: July 17, 2023
- Invited to deliver a talk on "Emerging Teaching Skills" as a
guest faculty to Assitant Professors in three groups on 13th July 2023,
21st July 2023, 29th July 2023, and 05th August 2023. Bihar Institute
of Public Administration & Rural Development, Gaya.
- Interactive talk on "User-Defined Functions: An Introduction"
under Coding and Machine Learning club of Mechanical Engineering
Department, IIT Patna, 31st Oct 2021.
- "Growing as an Inspire Awardee" under the
theme of Human Capacity Building, Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, Bihar
Council on Science and Technology, 29th Oct 2021.
Title of the Project
Funding Agency and Amount
Duration of Project
of non-equilibrium flows related to space debris and nano/microfluidics
(Jul 2020 – Jul 2025)
(Evaluation Grade: Excellent)
Advancing Hypersonic Heating Computation with Accurate and Shock-Stable Numerical Approach
26.84 Lakhs
2 Years
(Oct 2023 – Oct 2025)
Development of Thermally Controlled Modules of Optronic Payloads For Stratospheric Operation
154.96 Lakhs
3 Years
(May 2024 – May 2027)
(PI: Dr. Rishi
Raj, ME)
of a two way Fluid Structure Interaction Coupling tool with application
to AMCA Internal Weapon Bay (IWB) cavity acoustics with full aircraft
24.86 Lakhs
2 Years
(Dec 2024 – Dec 2026)
(co-PI: Dr. Sunil Kumar Singh, ME)
Present Students
- Awantika Singh
- Hitin Bajaj
- Aditya Kumar
- Aditya Kumar, 2024
- Thesis
title: Predicting Aerothermodynamic Effect of Surface Dents on Blunt Bodies at Hypersonic Speeds
- Rajiv Kumar, 2024
- Thesis
title: Investigation of Different Cooling Methods in the Reservoir Part of a Closed-Loop Liquid Cooling System
- Sanjay Kumar, 2023
- Thesis
title: Role of Jameson-Schmidt-Turkel (JST) Coefficients in Hypersonic Computations
- Anubhav Dwivedi, 2023
- Thesis
title: Implementation of a Novel Least Squares Finite Volume Scheme for Discontinuous Diffusion in OpenFoam
- Ashok Das, 2022 (Co-Guide, Guide: Dr.
Raj, ME)
- Thesis
title: CFD Analysis of Wall Condensation in Convective Flow in Presence of Non-Condensable Gases
- Monisha Daimari, 2022 (Co-Guide, Guide: Dr. Rishi
Raj, ME)
- Thesis
title: Bubble Acoustics Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations
- Shubham Kumar, 2022 (Best Masters' Project-MTP)
- Thesis
title: Numerical Study of Non-Equilibrium Multi-Species Hypersonic Flows
- Tarun Meruga and Macharla Venkata Bhanu, 2024 (Co-Guide, Guide: Dr Anirban Bhattacharya, ME)
- Thesis
title: Application of Inverse heat transfer approach in Friction stir welding
- Danish Raza and Md. Owais Siddiquei, 2024
- Thesis
title: Development of Robust Euler Solver IN SU2
- Shresth Verma and Kartikay Gupta, 2024 (Jointly with Dr Atul Thakur, ME)
- Thesis
title: Drag Analysis of Payload Cover Shapes for Delivery Drones
- Anand Tripathi, 2023
- Thesis
title: Investigating the Effect of Porous Media on Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Microchannels and Macro-Cavities
- Manoj Kumar Madugula and Rahul Preetham Kandukuri, 2023
- Thesis
title: Study on Reducing Wind speeds using wind barriers
- Neeraj Kumar Gond and Nikhil Anand, 2022
- Thesis
title: Study of Rarefied Gas Flows in Microchannels
Major Codes Developed
- 3D Unstructured density based CFD Solver for external aerothermodynamics and rarefied flows
- 3D Structured finite volume compressible flow module in ANUPRAVAHA: General purpose in-house CFD Solver
- A novel and robust least-square method-based Poisson solver with
discontinuous coefficients. (Both in an in-house code and OpenFOAM)
A special thanks to
Dr Atul Thakur for allowing the use of his website as a template for this webpage.