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Information for projects

  • Need to form groups with no more than 3 students by 22nd January.
  • Deadline for submission of abstract 31st January.
  • Please upload your file here (intranet). File name should be proposal.pdf
  • Project presentation will be held on 20th April. Time: 9:30 AM. Venue R303, Block - IX.
  • You need to submit the following.
    • One slide summary of the project. Filename should be summary.pdf
    • Presentation slides. Filename should be presentation.ppt or presentation.pdf. You must submit a pdf version.
    • A small report on the project. This may be 5-6 pages long. Filename should be report.pdf. Use only latex template as provided.
  • Deadline for submission - 11:59 PM, 19th April, 2019. Submission link is provided above.
\title{Title of the project}
\author{Student\_name (Roll Number), Student\_name (Roll Number), ....}
\section*{Project abstract}
Here goes the project abstract.
Please mention a brief description of the dataset that you are going to use.
  • courses/2019/cs551/project_information.1554641086.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/04/07 18:14
  • by arijit