Associate Professor of
Department of Mechanical Engineering
R115 Block 3 Academic
Indian Institute of
Technology Patna, Bihta, Bihar - 801106
Phone: +91-611-523-3158
Orcid: Atul
Thakur (0000-0001-5937-4793) (orcid.org)
Vitae |
robotics, microrobotics, machine learning.
Atul Thakur is
an Associate Professor
in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Indian Institute of
Patna. His research interest is broadly in the area of robotics and
He has been actively engaged in the research involving the design,
planning, and control of bio-inspired robots, application of robotics
in the
area of solid waste management, and selective micromanipulation of
cells using magnetic microrobots.
He received a
Ph.D. degree in mechanical
engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park, Master of
(M.Tech.) degree in manufacturing engineering from the Indian Institute
Technology Bombay, and Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) degree in
engineering from the University of Mumbai. Atul is a recipient of the
2013 Best
Dissertation Award from ASME-CIE Division. He received Elsevier Journal
Computer-Aided Design 2012 most cited paper award. He is also a member
of the
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) since 2009 and
Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) since 2011.
Currently, he
is directing BioRobotics and Artificial INtelligence (BRAIN) Laboratory at IIT
Present Teaching
- Mobile
Robotics (ME512)
- Robot
Motion Planning (ME510)
- Modeling
and Simulation of Mechatronic Systems (MH504)
- Mechatronics
Labs I and II (MH519 and MH520)
Past Teaching
- System
Dynamics and Control (ME312)
- Fundamentals
of Mechatronics (MH501)
- Control
Systems (ME309)
- Kinematics
and Dynamics of Machines (ME304)
- Engineering
Mechanics (ME101)
- Engineering
Drawing (ME111)
Training and FDPs Conducted
- Organized a
Short-term Training Program for the Engineers of Building Construction
Department, Govt. of at IIT Patna in collaboration with Dr. Subrata
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, IIT Patna during May
20 to
June 12, 2013. Number of participants was 25.
- Organized a CEP
course “Introduction to robotics: Mechanics, Control, and Programming”
October 26 – 28, 2018. Number of participants was 31.
- Conducted an FDP
on Mobile Robotics funded by AICTE under its ATAL program during June
2021. Number of participants was 200.
- Conducted an FDP
on Advanced Mobile Robotics funded by AICTE under its ATAL program
September 20-24, 2021. Number of participants was 88.
- Serving
as Associate Editor of IEEE Robotics
and Automation Letters (RA-L)
- Serving as Associate Editor of
Journal of ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in
Engineering (JCISE)
- Robust Motion Planning for Amphibious-Inspired Robots, 2013-2016,
Sponsor: DST, Status: Completed
- Development of Low Cost, Efficient, Mechanism for Collection of
Garbage and
Dirt for Municipal Corporations, Panchayats, 2018-2021, Sponsor: SAP,
MHRD, Status: Completed (PI Prof. Mayank Tiwari)
- Development of Lizard-like Robotic Spy Surveillance
System, 2019-2022, Sponsor: IMPRINT, Sponsor: SERB, Status: Completed
with Dr. Raju Halder)
- Intelligent Partition of Complicated Multiscale 3D
Models for Rapid Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing, 2018-2022,
Sponsor: Shanghai Municipality, (PI Dr. Xiangzhi Wei,
Shanghai Jiao Tang University)
- Assessment
of the Use of Modern Robotic and Machine Learning Tools for Addressing
Operational Challenges at 3 x 660 MW Capacity Coal Fired Supercritical
Plant, 2022-2023, Sponsor: Prayagraj Power Generation Corp.
Ltd., Status: Completed,
- Development of Affordable Ergonomic Exoskeleton for Ameliorating
Manual Work for Improving Safety and Dignity, 2023-2026, Sponsor: SAP,
MHRD, Status: Ongoing
- Associate
Dean Academic
Affairs, July 2021-July 2022
- Secretary, Department Academic
Program Committee of Mechanical Engineering Department, 2016-2020.
- Member, Department Purchase
Committee of Mechanical Engineering Department, 2016-2019.
- Member, Committee for
Developing Executive M-Tech Program in Mechatronics, 2021
- Member, Committee for
Developing Dual Degree B-Tech (Mechanical)+MBA Program in collaboration
National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE) 2022
- Member, Institute Wellness
Center, 2018-2022
- Agarwal,
D., Kamble, Y., Raj, A. et al. Biomechanical parameter estimation using
untethered nonprehensile magnetic microrobot. J Micro-Bio Robot (2023).
- Sinha,
K. N. R., Kumar, V., Kumar, N., Thakur,
A., Raj, R. (2023) Dataset for boiling acoustic emissions: A tool for data
driven boiling regime prediction, Data in Brief, 109793, ISSN 2352-3409,
- Singh, M., K., Hait, S., and Thakur, A., (2023) Hyperspectral
imaging-based classification of post-consumer thermoplastics for
plastics recycling using artificial neural network, Process Safety and
Environmental Protection, 179, Pages 593-602, ISSN 0957-5820, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psep.2023.09.052.
- Thakur, A. (2023) Gait Parameter Tuning Using Bayesian
Optimization for an Alligator Inspired Amphibious Robot. Defence
Science Journal, 73(5), 519-530. https://doi.org/10.14429/dsj.73.18315
- Ojha,
P., Thakur, A. AD*-Based Dynamically Feasible Replanning Technique for
Anguilliform-Inspired Robot. (2023) J Intell Robot Syst, 108, 53.
- Thakur, A., Sahoo, S., Mukherjee, A., and Halder, R.
(2023). Making robotic swarms trustful: A blockchain-based
ASME. J. Comput. Inf. Sci. Eng. doi: https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4062326
- Kamble,
Y., Raj, A., and Thakur, A. (2023). ANN-Aided
computational approach for mechanophenotyping of biological cells using
Biomech Eng.
doi: https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4056916
- Nishad,
S. R., Halder, R., Banda, G., and A. Thakur, Development of a
lizard-inspired wall-climbing robot using pressure sensitive
adhesion, IEEE
Access, vol. 10, pp. 72535-72544, 2022, doi:
- Agarwal,
D., Thakur, A.D. and Thakur, A. Magnetic microbot-based
micromanipulation of
surrogate biological objects in fluidic channels. J
Micro-Bio Robot (2022).
- Agarwal,
D., Thakur, A. D., and Thakur, A., A feedback-based manoeuvre planner
nonprehensile magnetic micromanipulation of large microscopic
objects, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 148, 2022, 103941, ISSN
- Zhang,
H., Thakur, A., and Wei, X., Patch-size segmentation of small-scaled
magnetic resonance images of the prostate with prior information,
& Applications, 19(1), 2022, 38-53
- Feng, R., Jiang, J., Thakur, A. and Wei, X. (2023), "Lightweight design of
two-level supports for extrusion-based additive manufacturing based on
metaheuristic algorithms", Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 29 No. 4, pp.
850-866. https://doi.org/10.1108/RPJ-01-2022-0038
- Sinha,
K. N. R., Kumar, V., Kumar, N., Thakur, A., Raj,R., Deep learning the
sound of
boiling for advance prediction of boiling crisis, Cell Reports Physical
Science, Volume 2, Issue 3, 2021, 100382, ISSN 2666-3864,
- Gundupalli,
S.P., Shukla, R., Gupta, R., Hait, S., Thakur, A., Optimal sequence
for robotic sorting of recyclables from source-segregated municipal
solid waste, Journal of Computing and Information Science in
21(1), 014502
- Feng,
R., Li, X., Zhu, L., Thakur, A., Wei, X., An improved two-level support
structure for extrusion-based additive manufacturing, Robotics and
Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2021, 67, 101972
- Feng, R., Jiang, J., Sun, Z., Thakur, A. and Wei, X. (2021), "A hybrid of genetic algorithm
and particle swarm optimization for reducing material waste in extrusion-based additive
manufacturing", Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 27 No. 10, pp. 1872-1885.
- Raj,
A., and Thakur, A., Hydrodynamic parameter estimation for an
anguilliform-inspired robot, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic
Systems: Theory
and Applications, 2020, 99(3-4), pp. 837-857.
- Kumar, A., Gunjan,
M.R., Jakhar, K., Thakur, A., Raj, R.
Unified framework for mapping shape and stability of pendant drops
the effect of contact angle hysteresis, Colloids and Surfaces A:
Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2020, 597, 124619
- Sharma,
N. K., Tiwari, M., Thakur, A., and Ganguli, A. K., A
systematic review of methodologies and techniques for integrating
ergonomics in development
and assessment
of manually operated equipment, International Journal of
Safety and Ergonomics, 2020,
DOI: 10.1080/10803548.2020.1862552
Older Journal Articles
- Raj,
A., and Thakur, A., Dynamically feasible trajectory planning for
anguilliform-inspired robots in the presence of steady ambient flow,
and Autonomous Systems, 118:144-158, 2019.
- Sinha,
K. N. R., Ranjan, D., Raza, M. Q., Kumar, N., Kaner, S., Thakur, A.,
and Raj,
R., In-situ acoustic detection of critical heat flux for controlling
runaway in boiling systems, International Journal of Heat and Mass
138:135-149, 2019.
- Gundupalli,
S., P., Hait, S., and Thakur, A., Classification of metallic
non-metallic fractions of e-waste using thermal imaging-based technique
reference, Process Safety and Environmental
Protection, 118:32-39,
- Jakhar,
K., Chattopadhyay, A., Thakur, A., and Raj, R., Spline based
shape prediction and analysis of uniformly rotating sessile and pendant
Langmuir, 33(22):5603-5612, 2017.
- Gundupalli,
S., P., Hait, S., and Thakur, A., Multi-material classification of dry
recyclables from municipal solid waste based on thermal imaging, Waste
Management, 70:13-21, 2017.
- Gundupalli,
S., P., Hait, S., and Thakur, A., A review on automated sorting of
source-separated municipal solid waste for recycling, Waste Management,
60:56-74, 2017.
- Raj,
A., and Thakur, A., Fish-inspired robots: design, sensing, actuation,
autonomy-a review of research. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics,
11(3):dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-3190/11/3/031001, 2016.
- Thakur,
A., Chowdhury, S., Švec, P., Wang, C., Losert, W., and Gupta, S., K.,
pushing based automated micromanipulation of biological cells using
tweezers. International Journal of Robotics Research, 33(8):1098-1111,
- Chowdhury,
S., Thakur, A., Švec, P., Wang, C., Losert, W., and Gupta, S., K.,
Manipulation of Biological Cells Using Gripper Formations Controlled By
Tweezers, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering,
338-347, 2014.
- Švec,
P., Thakur, A., Raboin, E., Shah, B., C., and Gupta, S., K., Target
with Motion Prediction for Unmanned Surface Vehicle Operating in
Environments. Autonomous Robots, 36(4), 383-405, 2014.
- Thakur,
A., Švec, P., Gupta, S., K., GPU based generation of state transition
using simulations for unmanned surface vehicle trajectory planning.
and Autonomous Systems, 60(12), 1457-1471, 2012.
- Thakur,
A., Gupta, S., K., Improving performance of rigid body dynamics
simulation by
removing inaccessible regions from geometric models. Computer-Aided
44(12), 1190-1204, 2012.
- Thakur,
A., and Gupta, S., K., Real-time dynamics simulation of unmanned sea
vehicle for virtual environments. Journal of Computing and Information
in Engineering, 11(3), 2-11, 2011.
- Thakur,
A., Banerjee, A., G., Gupta, S., K., A survey of CAD model
techniques for physics-based simulation applications. Computer-Aided
(41):2, 65-80, 2009.
- Sankar, K.M., A. K., A., Thakur, A. (2024). A Two-Legged Robot
for Climbing Vertical Surfaces Based on Pressure-Sensitive Adhesion and
Peeling. In: Youssef, E.S.E., Tokhi, M.O., Silva, M.F., Rincon, L.M.
(eds) Synergetic Cooperation Between Robots and Humans. CLAWAR 2023.
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 810. Springer, Cham.
- Saxena, S, Ojha, P. and Thakur, A., An Underwater Gliding Robot
Using Origami-Inspired Buoyancy Regulator, 48th International Conference on
Mechanisms and Robotics (MR) at 2024 ASME-IDETC, Washington DC, USA, August 25-28,
- Kodidasu, P, Kadali, M. and Thakur, A., Improving Climbing Performance
Using Passive Tail in Lizard-Inspired Robot, 48th International Conference on
Mechanisms and Robotics (MR) at 2024 ASME-IDETC, Washington DC, USA, August
25-28, 2024.
- Verma, N., Ojha, P., Sharma, A. K., and Thakur, A.,
"ROS-based Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation Framework for Fish-Inspired
Robot for Safe Control Gain Tuning," 2023 IEEE 7th Conference on
Information and Communication Technology (CICT), Jabalpur, India, 2023,
pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/CICT59886.2023.10455219.
- Yadav, R., Halder, R., Banda, G., and Thakur, A., A Lightweight Deep
Learning-based Weapon Detection Model for Mobile Robots. Proc. of the 6th
International Conference on Advances in Robotics (AIR '23), IIT Ropar, India,
5-8 July 2023. ACM Press.
- Anugrah, A. K. and Thakur, A., Bio-Inspired gait trajectory
design for lizard inspired wall climbing robot 47th International
Conference on
Mechanisms and Robotics (MR) at 2023 ASME-IDETC, Boston, MA, USA,
20-23, 2023.(accepted).
- Sharma
N.K., Tiwari M., Thakur A., Ganguli A.K. (2022) Biomechanical
simulation and a detailed analysis of the roadside cleaning activity.
In: Black N.L.,
W.P., Noy I. (eds) Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the
Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021). IEA 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks
Systems, vol 223. Springer, Cham.
- Das,
A., Halder, R., and Thakur. A., Deep
reinforcement learning-based 3D exploration with a wall climbing robot.
Proc. of the IEEE International Region 10 Technical Conference (IEEE
'21), Auckland, New Zealand, 7-10 Dec 2021. IEEE Press.
- Sarwar,
M. M. S., Yadav, R., Samanta, S., Ray, R., Halder, R., Banda, G.,
A., and Thakur, A., A robotic software framework for autonomous
navigation in unknown environment, 2021 International Symposium of
Asian Control
on Intelligent Robotics and Industrial Automation (IRIA), 2021, pp.
doi: 10.1109/IRIA53009.2021.9588693.
- Rishikesh,
Bhattacharya, A., Thakur, A., Banda, G., Ray, R., and Halder, R.,
Secure communication system implementation for robot-based surveillance
2021 International Symposium of Asian Control Association on
Robotics and Industrial Automation (IRIA), 2021, pp. 270-275, doi:
- Ojha,
P., and Thakur, A., Real-time obstacle avoidance algorithm for dynamic
environment on probabilistic road map, 2021 International Symposium of
Control Association on Intelligent Robotics and Industrial Automation
2021, pp. 57-62, doi: 10.1109/IRIA53009.2021.9588792.
- Nishad,
S., Halder, R., Banda, G., Ray, R., Bhattacharya, A., and Thakur, A., A
lizard-inspired quadruped robot based on pressure sensitive adhesion
for wall climbing, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on
in Robotics 2021, June 30-July 4, 2021. Kanpur, UP, India.
- Darekar,
A. Y., and Thakur, A., Trajectory planning in the presence of dynamic
for anguilliform-inspired robots, Proceedings of the 5th International
Conference on Advances in Robotics 2021, June 30-July 4, 2021. Kanpur,
- Kumar,
B., Bhatt, C., and Thakur, A., Deep learning based real-time
computation of thrust for a robotic fish, Proceedings of the 5th
Conference on
Advances in Robotics 2021, June 30-July 4, 2021. Kanpur, UP, India.
- Pedapudi,
B. R. B., Hait, S., and Thakur, A., Multi-Layer perceptron-based
of recyclable plastics from waste using hyperspectral imaging for
robotic sorting, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on
Advances in
Robotics 2021, June 30-July 4, 2021. Kanpur, UP, India.
Older conference articles
- H. Shaw and A. Thakur, “Shape memory alloy based caudal fin
for a robotic fish: Design, fabrication, control and characterization,”
in Proceedings of the Advances in Robotics 2019, ser. AIR 2019. New
York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, 2019. [Online].
Available: https://doi.org/10.1145/3352593.3352666
- Thati,
S., Raj. A., and Thakur, A., Optimal and dynamically feasible path
planning for
an anguilliform fish-inspired robot in presence of obstacles. ASME
and Robotics Conference,
Quebec City, Canada, August 26-29, 2018.
- Agrawal,
K., Jain. K., Gupta, D., Shrivastav, R., Agnihotri, A., and Thakur, A.,
Bayesian optimization based terrestrial gait tuning for an 12-dof
alligator-inspired robot with active body undulation. ASME
Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Quebec City,
Canada, August 26-29, 2018.
- Raj,
A., Kumar, A., and Thakur, A., Automated Locomotion Parameter Tuning
for an
Anguilliform-inspired Robot. In Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2016
International Conference on, Budapest, Hungary, October 9-12, 2016.
- Paulraj,
S.G., Hait, S., and Thakur, A., Automated municipal solid waste sorting
recycling using a mobile manipulator, 40th International Conference on
Mechanisms and Robotics (MR) at 2016 ASME-IDETC, Charlotte, NC, USA,
21-24, 2016.
- Kulkarni,
P., Kumar, A., Thakur, A., D., and Thakur, A., Automated non-prehensile
magnetic micromanipulation in presence of spatially varying flow field,
International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems (MNS)at 2016
Charlotte, NC, USA, August 21-24, 2016.
- Shah,
B., C., Švec, P., Thakur, A., and Gupta. S., K., Path Planning for
Vehicles Operating in Time-Varying Flow Fields. ICAPS Workshop on
Planning and Robotics
(PlanRob 2016), London, UK, June 13-14, 2016.
- Sathish,
G.P., and Thakur, A., Automated Municipal Solid Waste Sorting for
using a Mobile Manipulator, 40th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference
ASME-IDETC, Charlotte, UNC, USA, August 21-24, 2016.
- Das,
A., Thakur, A., D., and Thakur, A., Image guided automated
magnetic micromanipulation of cells, 9th International Conference on
Micro- and
Nanosystems (MNS) at 2015 ASME-IDETC, Boston, MA, USA, August 2-5, 2015.
- Shriyam,
S., Mishra, A., Nayak, D., and Thakur, A., Design, fabrication and gait
of alligator-inspired robot, International Conference on Advances in
Sciences, Hyderabad, AP, India, January 9-11, 2014.
- Chowdhury,
S., Thakur, A., Švec, P., Wang, C., Losert, W., and Gupta, S., K.,
range of transport in optical tweezers assisted microfluidic chambers
automated stage motion. ASME International Conference on Micro and
Portland, Oregon, August 4-7, 2013.
- Chowdhury,
S., Thakur, A., Wang, C., Švec, P., Losert, W., and Gupta. S., K.,
indirect manipulation of irregular shaped cells with optical tweezers
studying collective cell migration. IEEE International Conference on
and Automation (ICRA '13), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 6-10, 2013.
- Thakur,
A., Chowdhury, S., Švec, P., Wang, C., Losert, W., and Gupta, S., K.,
indirect optical micromanipulation of biological cells using indirect
for minimizing photo-damage. ASME International Conference on Micro and
Nanosystems, Chicago, Illinois, August 12 -15, 2012.
- Švec,
P., Thakur, A., Shah, B., C., and Gupta. S., K., USV trajectory
planning for
time varying motion goals in an environment with obstacles. ASME
Mechanism and
Robotics Conference, Chicago, Illinois, August 12-15, 2012.
- Chowdhury,
S., Thakur, A., Wang, C., Švec, P., Losert, W., Gupta, S., K.,
indirect transport of biological cells using planar gripper formations.
International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE
Seoul, Korea, August 20-24, 2012.
- Švec,
P., Schwartz, M., Thakur, A., and Gupta, S., K., Trajectory planning
look-ahead for unmanned sea surface vehicles to handle environmental
disturbances. In Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2011 IEEE/RSJ
International Conference on, San Francisco, California, September
25-30, 2011.
- Thakur,
A., Švec, P., and Gupta, S., K., Generation of state transition model
simulation for unmanned sea surface vehicle trajectory planning. ASME
Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Washington DC, August 28-31, 2011.
- Thakur,
A., Gupta, S., K., A computational framework for real-time unmanned sea
vehicle motion simulation. ASME Computers in Engineering Conference.
Canada, August 15-18, 2010.
- Gupta,
S., K., Anand, D., K., Thakur, A., Švec, P., and Schwartz, M., A
based framework for discovering planning logic for Unmanned Surface
ASME Engineering Systems Design and Analysis Conference, Istanbul,
Turkey, July
12-14, 2010.
- Schwartz,
M., Švec, P., Thakur, A., and Gupta, S., K., Evaluation of
generated reactive planning logic for unmanned surface vehicles.
Metrics for Intelligent Systems Workshop September 21 - 23,
Maryland, September 2009.
- Thakur,
A., Gupta, S., K., Context dependent contact preserving off-line model
simplification for interactive rigid body dynamics simulations. ASME
and Information in Engineering Conference, San Diego, August
30-September 2,
- Pavanaskar,
S., S., Thakur, A., Sunil, V., B., and Pande, S., S., WebNC: An
internet based
system for global product development. Proceedings of 7th Global
Conference on
Sustainable Manufacturing, 2009, Chennai, India, December 1-4, 2009.
- Thakur,
A., Gupta, S., K., Anand, D., K., Brough, J., E., Kavetsky, R., A., and
Schwartz, M., A survey of the virtual environments-based assembly
applications. Proceedings of Virtual Manufacturing Workshop, Turin,
October 7-8, 2008.
- Thakur,
A., S., S., Pande, A web based system for sheet metal modeling and
planning, Proceedings of 1st International and 22nd All India
Conference on All
India Manufacturing Technology Design and Research, 2006, Roorkee,
December 21-26.
- Thakur,
A., Pande, S., S., SIBAM: A web based feature modeler for sheet metal
components. Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on CAD/CAM,
and Factories of future, Vellore, India, July 19-23, 2006.
- Pavanaskar,
S., S., Thakur, A., Sunil, V., B., and Pande, S., S., FBMod: A web
feature modeler for prismatic components, Proceedings of the National
Conference on Design for Product Cycle (DPLC-2006), Pilani, India,
February 17
- 18, 2006.
- Chowdhury,
S., Thakur, A. and Gupta, S.K. Manipulation of biological
cells using
optical tweezers: Challenges and solutions. In Autonomous
Optical Manipulation for Biological Cells, Elsevier Science,
- Schwartz,
M., Svec, P., Thakur, A., and Gupta, S. K., Simulation based synthesis
planning logic for autonomous unmanned sea surface vehicles. Simulation
Innovation and Discovery, Energetics Applications, CALCE EPSC Press,
Park, 2011.
- Raj,
R., Thakur, A., Banerjee, S., and Pandey, U., A System and Method
for Controlling Buoyancy of an Underwater Submersible, Indian Patent
Office 453932, Patent granted on 22/09/2023.
- Anugrah AK, Thakur, A. Halder, R., Design of adhesion based omni
orientation surface traverse mechanism in crawling quadruped
trot-gaited robot" Application filed.
Invited Talks
- Actuation and Control of Micro- and Nano- Robots for Biomedical Applications, March 2024, NIT Jamshedpur
- Fundamentals of Robotics: Mechanisms and Kinematics of Manipulators, March 2024, NIT Sikkim
- Autonomous Underwater Robotics at Various Size Scales: Challenges
and Opportunities, November 2023, Paris-Saclay University & UEVE
University (online)
- Bioinspired Mobile Robotics: Sensing, Actuation and Autonomy,
Darbhanga College of Engineering, October 2023, Darbhanga, Bihar, India
- Teaching Methodology in Engineering Education, Bihar Institute of
Public Administration and Rural Development, July 2023, Gaya, Bihar,
- Applications of AI and ML in Robotics: Basic Concepts, NIMS Jaipur, November 2022, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
- Mechatronics and Robotics Research at IIT Patna, Prayagraj Power Generation Co. Ltd., April 2022, Prayagraj, UP, India.
- Structural Health Monitoring: Collaboration proposal between IIT
Patna and NTPC, National Thermal Power Generation Ltd., Vaibhav
Singhal, Udit Satija, and January 2022, India. (online)
- Actuation and Control of Micro- and Nano- Robots for Biomedical
Applications, IIT BHU, August 2021, Varanasi, UP, India. (online)
- Actuation and Control of Micro- and Nano- Robots for Biomedical
Applications, NIT Silchar, June 2021, Silchar, Assam, India.
- Actuation and Control of Micro- and Nano- Robots for Biomedical
Applications, Indian Institute of Technology Indore, MP, December 2020,
Indore, India. (online)
- Underwater Robotics at different size-scales, GIET Gaya, December 2020, Gaya, India. (online)
- Underwater Robotics at different size-scales, Shanghai Jiaotong University, December 2019, Shanghai, China.
- Underwater Robotics at different size-scales, NIT Silchar, May 2019, Silchar, Assam, India.
- Underwater Robotics at different size-scales, IIT Bombay, February 2019, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
- Research on Fish-Inspired Underwater Robot at IIT Patna, IIT Gandhinagar, October 2017, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India.
- Introduction to Mobile Robotics, Bhagalpur College of Engineering, November 2016, Bhagalpur, Bihar, India.
- Introduction to mobile robots and research on fish-inspired
underwater robots, G H Patel College of Engineering & Technology,
December 2016, Surat, Gujarat, India.
- Dynamics-aware online motion planning for mobile robotic systems
operating in stochastic environment, System and Controls Group, IIT
Bombay, October 2014, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
- Magnetic Microrobot Assisted Selective Non-Prehensile Cell
Micromanipulation, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research
Bhopal, December 2015, Bhopal, MP, India
- Physics-Aware Planning of Robot Motion: Unmanned Surface Vehicles
to Bio-Inspired Robots, 11th National Conference on Industrial Problems
on Machines and Mechanisms (IPRoMM-2014), February 2014, Delhi, India.
- Robotics based indirect optical manipulation of biological cells
for studying collective migration, Mahavir Cancer Sansthan, September
2013, Patna, Bihar, India.
- Robotics Research at IIT Patna, Center for Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, March 2013, Durgapur, WB, India.
- Robotics Research at IIT Patna, Center for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
- Advances in Modeling and Simulation for Physics-Aware Planning in
Robotics, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, April 2012, Delhi,
India. February 2013,
- Real-Time High Fidelity Rigid Body Simulations for Virtual
Environments, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, August 2011,
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
- Krishna
- Aditya Baberwal
- Dharmveer
Agarwal, 2024
- Thesis Title: Robotic Nonprehensile Magnetic
Micromanipulation of Large Microscopic Biological Objects)
- Sathish
P. Gundupalli, 2019
- Thesis
title: Automated segregation of
recyclables from solid
waste stream using thermal imaging technique
- Aditi
Raj, 2019
- Thesis
title: Trajectory planning for underwater
anguilliform-Inspired robots operating in presence of ambient flow
- Purusottam Pradhan, 2024
- Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
of the Unknown Environment using Kobuki Robot and LiDAR Sensor
- Kodidasu Purna Rama Sai Usha Pranav, 2024
- Improving the Performance of
Climbing Robots with Tail
- Anugrah
A. K., 2023
- Miniaturization
and Rapid Prototyping of Lizard Inspired Robot for Swarm Application
- Ajayan, 2022
- Thesis
title: Development of
setup for robotic sorting of plastic waste
- Ninad
Kuware, 2022
- Thesis
title: Prognosis and
control of
boiling crisis by leveraging acoustic emissions and deep learning.
- Pedapudi
Bharath Raja Bhoopal, 2021
- Thesis
title: Classification
of recyclable plastic from waste using hyperspectral imaging technique
- Akshay
Y. Darekar, 2021
- Thesis
title: Trajectory
planning for fish-inspired robots in the presence of dynamic obstacles
- Aditya
Sudeep Ratnaparkhi, 2020
- Thesis
title: Model-based
backtepping leader-follower formation control of unmanned surface
- Abhishek
Sharma, 2020
- Thesis
title: Design
and control of haptic interface for laparoscopic simulator
- Shubham
Pathak, 2019
- Thesis
title: Control
of boiling-based variable buoyancy robot
- Sushrut
Lingayat, 2019
- Thesis
title: Laparoscopic
simulator with haptic feedback
- Amit
Kumar, 2019
- Thesis
title: Design
of a dragonfly-inspired micro air vehicle
- Aaditya
- Thesis
title: Haptic
feedback from virtual environment for laparoscopic surgical simulation
using cutaneous and kinesthetics haptic Interface
- Rajan
Sippy, 2018
- Thesis
title: Development
of android powered eye tracking-based wheelchair control with
autonomous navigation
- Adnan
Jawed, 2018
- Thesis
title: Design
and fabrication of carangiform robotic fish
- Sumit
Banerjee, 2017 - Joint guidance with Dr.
Rishi Raj, Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Thesis
title: Boiling-based
buoyancy controlled underwater robot
- Biswaranjan
Das, 2017
- Thesis
title: Anguilliform-inspired
- Himansu
Shaw, 2017
- Thesis
title: A
shape-memory alloy actuated robotic fish
- Kishan
Gopal Karwa, 2017
- Thesis
title: Magnetic
microrobot for non-prehensile manipulation of cells
- Krishna
Agrawal, 2017
- Thesis
title: Automatic
gait adaptation for alligator-inspired robot
- Akash
Das, 2015 – Joint guidance with Dr. Ajay D.
Thakur, Department of Physics
- Thesis
title: Automated
motion planning of magnetic microrobot
- Guddi
Kumari, 2015 – Joint guidance with Dr. Rishi Raj,
Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Thesis
title: Temperature
feedback control for enhancing critical heat flux during pool boiling.
- Anand
Kumar Mishra, 2014
- Thesis
title: Design,
fabrication and planning of bio-inspired quadruped robots
- Sherbahadur
Yadav, 2014
- Thesis
title: Design
and planning of unmanned ground vehicles for human following
- Aditya Baberwal and Krishna Raj, 2024
- Development of a Prototype of Self-Driving Car
- Anushkha Singh and Gogineni Charishma, 2023
- 3D ObjectT Reconstruction from Multiview Monocular Images
- Kritadhi Maity and Ayush Gupta, 2023
- Advance Prediction of Boiling Crisis through Acoustic Signal
- Pranay
and Hareesh, 2022
- Thesis
title: Sanitization robot
- Maria
and Anisha, 2022
- Thesis
title: Animal health monitoring tool
- Aman
Kumar and Akshat Jain 2022
- Thesis
title: Modelling and simulation
of adhesive force and climbing in a lizard-inspired robot
- Bansal
Kumar and Chandan Bhatt, 2021
- Thesis
title: A
deep learning-based real time computation of thrust for fish-inspired
- Rishabh
Shukla and Rohit, 2019
- Thesis
title: Sorting
of municipal solid saste using robotic hand
- Rajendra
Verma and Rahul Dilare,
- Thesis
title: Quadruped
robot based on mammalian gait
- Santhosh
Thati, 2018
- Thesis
title: Optimal
trajectory planning for an anguilliform-inspired robot
- Kushagra
Jain, 2018
- Thesis
title: Gait
parameter estimation using Bayesian-optimization for an
alligator-inspired robot
- Amit
Kumar and Maneesh Meena, 2018
- Thesis
title: Stair-climbing
gait control of a 12-DOF quadruped robot
- Ashwin
Goyal and Chirag Jain, 2017
- Thesis
title: Estimation
of crowd density using a quadcopter
- Abhijeet
Agnihotri and Raunak Srivastava, 2017
- Thesis
title: Control
of quadruped gait in an alligator-inspired robot
- Pranav
Kulkarni, 2016 –
Jointly guidance with Dr.
Ajay Thakur, Department of Physics
- Thesis
title: Control
of magnetic microrobot in the presence of environmental flow
- Samiran
Mondal, 2015
- Thesis
title: Design,
control and fabrication of an alligator-inspired underwater swimming
- C.
Nitish, 2015
- Thesis
title: Design
and fabrication of glove for augmented reality applications
- Ashesh
Chattopadhyay, 2015 – Joint guidance with Dr.
Rishi Raj, Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Modeling
of droplet geometry on surfaces exhibiting different contact angles
- Shivam
Chourey and Vora Nishant, 2014 – Joint guidance
with Dr. Ajay D. Thakur, Department of Physics
- Thesis
title: Development
of magnetic microrobot
- Delip
Thomas and Srinivas Gunti, 2014
- Thesis
title: Design
and fabrication of snake-inspired robots
- Batchu Madhu Sri Kiran (2023-ongoing)
- Development of Affordable Ergonomic Exoskeleton for Ameliorating Manual Work for Improving Safety and Dignity
- Ravi Shekhar Tiwari (2022-23)
- Demand Forecasting in a Themal Power Plant based on LSTM
- Harshang Shah (2023)
- Development of Pipe Inspection Robot for Thermal Power Plant
- Satyendra R. Nishad (2018-2020)
- Development of Lizard-Inspired Wall Climbing Robot
- Amarjeet Kumar (2013-16)
- Development of Fish-Inspired Robot
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Atul Thakur. All
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