Blockchain & Robotics (PLANR) Lab
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

R-502, 5th Floor, Block 3
+91 612 3028889


Md. Imran Alam

PhD Student

At present, Imran is working as an assistant professor at the LNM Institute of Information Technology, Jaipur. Previously he worked as an Assistant Professor at GLA University, Mathura and as a postdoc researcher with the Software and System Verification (SSV) group, Ca Foscari University, Venice, Italy. He have worked on modeling, analysis, design, and verification of Blockchain applications using formal methods with a particular focus on the verification of Hyperledger Fabric. During my Ph.D., he have worked with several software engineering problems related to database applications such as database properties verification, information leakage analysis, code slicing, SQL injection attacks, etc., following formal methods techniques such as Deductive-based Verification, Model Checking, and Theorem Prover.