![]() ICON 2020: 17th International Conferenceon Natural Language ProcessingDecember 18-21Organized byNLP Association, IndiaAI-NLP-ML Group, Dept. of CSE, IIT Patna |
Long Papers
Long paper submissions must describe substantial, original, completed and unpublished work.
Long papers may consist of up to 8 pages of content, plus unlimited references. Finalversions of long papers will be given one additional page of content (up to 9 pages) plus any no of pages for the references.
Short Papers
Short paper submissions must describe original and unpublished work. Please note that a short paper is not a shortened long paper. Instead short papers should have a point that can be made in a few pages. Some kinds of short papers are:
A small, focused contribution
A negative result
An opinion piece
An interesting application nugget
Short papers may consist of up to 4 pages of content, plus unlimited references. Upon acceptance, short papers will be given 5 content pages in the proceedings. Instructions for Double-Blind Review
As reviewing will be double blind, papers must not include authors' names and affiliations. Furthermore, self-references or links (such as github) that reveal the author's identity, e.g., "We previously showed (Smith, 1991) .." must be avoided. Instead, use citations such as "Smith previously showed (Smith, 1991) ..." Papers that do not conform to these requirements will be rejected without review.
Papers should not refer, for further detail, to documents that are not available to the reviewers. For example, do not omit or redact important citation information to preserve anonymity. Instead, use third person or named reference to this work, as described above ("Smith showed" rather than "we showed").
Papers may be accompanied by a resource (software and/or data) described in the paper, but these resources should be anonymized as well.
The author list for submissions should include all (and only) individuals who made substantial contributions to the work presented. Each author listed on a submission to ICON 2020 will be notified of submissions, revisions and the final decision. No changes to the order or composition of authorship may be made to submissions to ICON 2020 after the paper submission deadline.
Paper Submission and Templates
Submission is electronic, using the Softconf START conference management system. The submission site is now available at https://www.softconf.com/icon2020/papers/
The deadline for submission of both long and short papers is 15 October, 2020 (GMT -12).
Both long and short papers must follow the ACL Author Guidelines
Style sheets (Latex, Word) are available here: https://acl2020.org/downloads/acl2020-templates.zip
The Overleaf template is also available here: https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/acl-2020-proceedings-template/zsrkcwjptpcd
Please do not modify these style files, or use templates designed for other conferences. Submissions that do not conform to the required styles, including paper size, margin width, and font size restrictions, will be rejected without review.