Maintained by Tonmoy Sharma and Suriyaprasaad
SN | Name of all Authors | Conference Title | Name of Conference | Place and Date | Year |
119 | Sinha, R., Sunil, Shukla, A., Thakur, A. D., & Raj, R. | Experimental investigation of biomass gasification -based dryers for neem leaves | Proceedings of the 27th National and 5th International ISHMT -ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference | IIT Patna, Patna, India December 14 - 17 |
2023 |
118 | Sunil, Agarwal, A., Thakur, A. D., & Raj, R. | High cycle sorption performance of calcium chloride composites with ammonia | Proceedings of the 27th National and 5th International ISHMT - ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference | IIT Patna, India December 14 - 17 |
2023 |
117 | Shukla, A., Thakur, A. D., & Raj, R. | Experiment and modeling of a modified atmospheric water harvester for arid and semi -arid climates | Proceedings of the 27th National and 5th International ISHMT -ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference | IIT Patna, Patna, India December 14 - 17 |
2023 |
116 | Suriyaprasaad , B., Upadhyay, A., & Raj, R. | Boiling regime classification via principal component analysis on bubble images and acoustics | Proceedings of the 27th National and 5th International ISHMT -ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference | IIT Patna, Patna, India December 14 - 17 |
2023 |
115 | Alam, M. Q., Upadhyay, A., Assam, A., & Raj, R. | Improving acoustic emission modeling of underwater bubble detachment by accounting for compressibility effects | Proceedings of the 27th National and 5th International ISHMT -ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference | IIT
Patna, Patna, India December 14 - 17 |
2023 |
114 | Raj, A., Alam, M. Q., Assam, A., & Raj, R. | Numerical validation of acoustic emissions from a train of bubbles departing from an underwater nozzle | Proceedings of the 27th National and 5th International ISHMT -ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference | IIT Patna, Patna, India December 14 - 17 |
2023 |
113 | Kumar, A., Sunil, Sinha, R., Maity, I., Raj, R., & Thakur, A. D. | Biomass gasification residue as a rich source of carbon nanomaterials | Proceedings of the 27th National and 5th International ISHMT -ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference | IIT Patna, Patna, India December 14 - 17 |
2023 |
112 | Sharma, T., Erimban, S., Azad, R., Nam, Y., Daschakraborty, S., & Raj, R. | Decoding the vapor -phase adsorption of aroma compounds on the vapor -liquid interface by molecular dynamic simulations | 9th International and 49th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP) | IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India December 14 - 16 |
2022 |
111 | Sinha, R., Sunil, Thakur, A. D., & Raj, R. | Development of an all -season off - the-grid climate control unit for agricultural produce | Proceedings of the 26th National and 4th International ISHMT -ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference | IIT Madras, Chennai, India December 17 - 20 |
2021 |
110 | Prakash, C. G. J., Gunjan, M. R., & Raj, R. | Bio -inspired honeycomb pores as lubricant reservoirs for scalable and durable slippery surfaces | Proceedings of the 26th National and 4th International ISHMT -ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference | IIT Madras, Chennai, India December 17 - 20 |
2021 |
109 | Sharma, T., Kumar, V., Sinha, K. N. R., & Raj, R. | Deep learning time - frequency representations of boiling acoustics for accurate prediction of transition between heat transfer regimes | Proceedings of the 26th National and 4th International ISHMT -ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference | IIT Madras, Chennai, India December 17 - 20 |
2021 |
108 | Sharma, T., Kumar, V., Sinha, K. N. R., & Raj, R. | Physics -informed deep learning for acoustic detection of departure from nucleate boiling | Proceedings of the 26th National and 4th International ISHMT -ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference | IIT Madras, Chennai, India December 17 - 20 |
2021 |
107 | Kumar, V., Sinha, K. N. R., Sharma, T., & Raj, R. | Acoustic detection of departure from nucleate boiling as a precursor to the critical heat flux | Proceedings of the 26th National and 4th International ISHMT -ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference | IIT Madras, Chennai, India December 17 - 20 |
2021 |
106 | Upadhyay, A., Kumar, N., Pathak, M., & Raj, R. | Numerical simulation of bubble behavior during pool boiling with foaming solutions | Proceedings of the 26th National and 4th International ISHMT -ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference | IIT Madras, Chennai, India December 17 - 20 |
2021 |
105 | Hedau, G., Raj, R., & Saha, S. K. | Effect of outlet plenum volume during flow boiling inside plain parallel microchannel | Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Momentum | Heat and Mass Transfer
(MHMT'20), Lisbon, Portugal Virtual Congress October |
2020 |
104 | Kumar, N., Sinha, K. N. R., Raza, M. Q., Seth, D., & Raj, R. | Aqueous ionic liquid solution -based two -phase thermal management for adverse gravity applications | 21st Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC) | IEEE RS/EPS/EDS Singapore Chapter, Singapore December 4 - 6 |
2019 |
103 | Kumar, N., Raza, M. Q., Sinha, K. N. R., Seth, D., & Raj, R. | Heat transfer enhancement using surface -active additive during pool boiling in a confined chamber | Proceedings of the 25th National and 3rd International ISHMT -ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference | IIT Roorkee, Roorkee,
India December 23 - 31 |
2019 |
102 | Sarode, A., Raj, R., & Bhargav, A. | A simple, scalable and cost -effective technique for pool boiling heat transfer enhancement | Proceedings of the 25th National and 3rd International ISHMT -ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference | IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India December 23 - 31 |
2019 |
101 | Sinha, K. N. R., Ranjan, D., Kumar, N., & Raj, R. | Acoustic detection of microbubble emission boiling (MEB) | Proceedings of the 25th National and 3rd International ISHMT -ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference | IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India December 23 - 31 |
2019 |
100 | Ranjan, D., Sinha, K. N. R., Raza, M. Q., Kumar, N., & Raj, R. | Acoustic feedback -controlled pool boiling of aqueous surfactant solutions | Proceedings of the 25th National and 3rd International ISHMT -ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference | IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India December 23 - 31 |
2019 |
99 | Raza, M. Q., Kumar, N., & Raj, R. | Critical heat flux enhancement during subcooled pool boiling with foaming solution | CHEMCON 2018: 71st Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers | NIT Jalandhar, India December 27 - 30 |
2018 |
98 | Kumar, N., Raza, M. Q., Seth, D., & Raj, R. | Bubble dynamics during boiling with foaming ionic liquid solution | CHEMCON 2018: 71st Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers | NIT Jalandhar, India December 27 - 30 |
2018 |
97 | Gunjan, M. R., Kumar, A., & Raj, R. | Wettability of lubricant -infused surfaces (LIS) | 7th International and 45th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power | IIT Bombay, Mumbai,
India December 10 - 12 |
2018 |
96 | Kumar, A., Gunjan, M. R., Jakhar, K., & Raj, R. | Interface shape evolution during buoyancy -induced droplet detachment | 7th International and 45th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power | IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India December 10 - 12 |
2018 |
95 | Behera, D., Mohanty, D., Ghos h, D. P., Saha, S. K., & Raj, R. | Experimental investigation of single -phase heat transfer on scalable nanostructured microchannels | 4th World Congress on Mechanical | Chemical, and Material Engineering, Madrid, Spain August 16 - 18 |
2018 |
94 | Kumar, N., Raza, M. Q., Seth, D., & Raj, R. | Pool boiling with aqueous ionic liquid solution | 10th International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer | Nagasaki, Japan March 12 - 15 |
2018 |
93 | Raza, M. Q., Kumar, N., & Raj, R. | Critical heat flux mechanisms during pool boiling with Nanofluids | 10th International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer | Nagasaki,
Japan March 12 - 15 |
2018 |
92 | Kumar, N., Raza, M. Q., Seth, D., & Raj, R. | Pool boiling with aqueous ionic liquid solutions for zero gravity applications | 24th National and 2nd International ISHMT -ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference | Hyderabad, India December 27 - 30 |
2017 |
91 | Raza, M. Q., Kumar, N & Raj, R. | Critical heat flux mechanism during pool boiling with surfactants | 24th National and 2nd International ISHMT -ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conferencea | Hyderabad, India December 27 - 30 |
2017 |
90 | Sinha, N. R., & Raj, R. | Acoustic detection of Leidenfrost dynamics on plain and nanostructured surfaces | 24th National and 2nd International ISHMT -ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference | Hyderabad, India December 27 - 30 |
2017 |
89 | Ghosh, D. P., Sharma, D., Saha, S. K., Raj, R. | Flow boiling enhancement using scalable nanostructures inside rectangular microchannels | 24th National and 2nd International ISHMT - ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference | Hyderabad, India December 27 - 30 |
2017 |
88 | Sharma, D., Ghosh, D. P., Saha, S. K., & Raj, R. | Optimization of inlet and outlet manifolds for flow boiling heat transfer enhancement in microchannels | Proceedings of the 24th National and 2nd International ISHMT -ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference | Hyderabad, India December 27 - 30 |
2017 |
87 | Hedau, G., Ghosh, D. P., Sharma, D., Vaeghese, A., Raj, R., & Saha , S. K. | Effect of nanostructure microchannels on flow boiling instability | Proceedings of the 24th National and 2nd International ISHMT -ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference | Hyderabad, India December 27 - 30 |
2017 |
86 | Jakhar, K., & Raj, R. | Spline -based interface modeling and optimization (SIMO) for tensiometry and goniometry applications | 44th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power | Amrita University, Amritapuri Campus, Kollam, Kerala, India December 14 - 16 |
2016 |
85 | Gunjan, M. R., & Raj, R. | Modelling of inner coffee ring deposits during evaporation of nanoparticle -laden droplets | 44th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power | Amrita University, Amritapuri Campus, Kollam, Kerala, India December 14 - 16 |
2017 |
84 | Kumar, A., Gunjan, M. R., Jakhar, K., & Raj, R. | Buoyancy induced detachment of pendant droplets from surfaces with contact angle hysteresis | 44th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power | Amrita University, Amritapuri Campus, Kollam, Kerala, India December 14 - 16 |
2017 |
83 | Chaitanya, B., Thakur, A. D., & Raj, R. | Biomass gasifier powered adsorption chiller for atmospheric water harvesting: Prospects in developing world | 6th International Conference on Advances in Energy Research | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India December 12 - 14 |
2017 |
82 | Adera, S., Antao, D. S, Raj, R., & Wang , E. N. | Thin -film evaporation from micropillar wicks in ambient environment | The Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical
Phenomena in Electronic Systems (ITHERM) |
Orlando, FL, USA May 30 -June 2 |
2017 |
81 | Ghosh, D. P., Sharma, D., Raj, R., & Saha , S. K. | Enhancement of flow boiling heat transfer via suppression of pressure drop fluctuations in nanostructured microchannels | 6th International and 43rd National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power | MNNITA, Allahabad, UP,India December 15 - 17 |
2016 |
80 | Sharma, D., Ghosh, D. P,Raj, R., & Saha , S. K. | Flow boiling in microchannels: Experimental study of heat transfer and pressure drop fluctuations | 6th International and 43rd National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, MNNITA, Allahabad, UP>, India | MNNITA, Allahabad, UP,India December 15 - 17 |
2016 |
79 | Gunjan, M. R., & Raj, R | Modelling and characterization of mixed mode of droplet evaporation | 6th International and 43rd National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, MNNITA, Allahabad, UP, India | MNNITA, Allahabad, UP,India December 15 - 17 |
2016 |
78 | Kumar, A, & Raj, R | Evolution of droplets with polygonal contact line on microstructured surfaces | 6th International and 43rd National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power | MNNITA, Allahabad, UP,India December 15 - 17 |
2016 |
77 | Kumar, N., Raza, M. Q., & Raj, R. | Effect of orientation on pool boiling heat transfer with aqueous surfactant solution | 6th International and 43rd National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power | MNNITA, Allahabad, UP, India December 15 - 17 |
2016 |
76 | Raza, M Q., Kumar, N., & Raj, R. | Surfactant enhanced pool boiling heat transfer in confined spaces | 6th International and 43rd National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, NITA | , Allahabad, UP, India December 15 - 17 |
2016 |
75 | Shukla, V., Raza, M. Q., Kum ar, N., & Raj, R. | Effect of sidewall containment on pool boiling with aqueous surfactant solution on an inverted heater | 6th International and 43rd National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power | MNNITA, Allahabad, UP, India December 15- 17 |
2016 |
74 | Raj, R., & Thakur, A. | Buoyancy induced detachment of pendant droplets | 6th International and 43rd National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power | MNNITA, Allahabad, UP,
India December 15 - 17 |
2016 |
73 | Adera, S., Antao, D. S., Raj, R., & Wang, E. N. | Experimental characterization and modeling of capillary -pumped evaporation from micropillar wicks | Heat TransferFluids Engineering, & Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels Conferences | Washington DC, USA July 10 - 14 |
2016 |
72 | Adera, S., Antao, D. S., Raj, R., & Wang, E. N. | Extreme hotspot heat flux thermal management via thin -film evaporation from microstructured surfaces | Hilton Head 2016 Workshop,A Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Workshop | Sonesta Resort, SC 29928, USA June 5 - 9 |
2016 |
71 | Adera, S., Antao, D. S, Raj, R., & Wang, E. N | Hotspot thermal management via thin -film evaporation | The Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems | Cosmopolitan Hotel, Las Vegas May 31 - June 3 |
2016 |
70 | Kumar, N., Raza, M. Q & Raj, R. | Comparison of bubble behavior and heat transfer during pool boiling with aqueous surfactant solution on upward and downward facing heater | 68th Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers | Guwahati,India December 27-30 |
2015 |
69 | Ghosh, D. P., Mohanty, D., Saha, S. K., & Raj, R. | Fabrication of nanostructured microchannels for enhancement of single and multiphase heat transfer | 23rd National Heat and 1st International ISHMT -ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference | Thiruvananthapuram, India December 17 - 20 |
2015 |
68 | Raza, M. Q., & Raj, R. | Pool boiling critical heat flux enhancement for reduced gravity application | 23rd National Heat and 1st International ISHMT -ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference | Thiruvananthapuram, India December 17 - 20 |
2015 |
67 | Chattopadhyay, A., Thakur, A., & Raj, R. | Spline -based modeling of static and sliding droplets with contact angle hysteresis | 42nd National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power | National Institute of Technology, Surathkal, India December 14 - 16 |
2015 |
66 | Wei, M., Somasundaram, S., He, B., Liang, Q | , Raj, R., Tan , C. S., & Wang, E. N. (2015, November 13 - 19) | Optimization of biporous micropillar array for enhanced heat transfer performance | ASME
International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Houston, Texas, USA |
None |
65 | Raza, M. Q., & Raj, R. | Surfactant -enhanced pool boiling heat transfer during surface tension dominated boiling regime | 9th International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer | Boulder, Colorado, USA April 26 - 30 |
2015 |
64 | Chattopadhyay, A., Thakur, A., & Raj, R. | Spline -based two -dimensional modeling of droplets on rough and heterogeneous surfaces | 5th International and 41st National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power | Kanpur, India December 12 - 14 |
2014 |
63 | Raza, M. Q., & Raj, R. | Pool boiling heat transfer with aqueous surfactant solutions: Importance of time scales | IUTAM Symposium on Multiphase Flows with Phase Change: Challenges and Opportunities | Hyderabad, India December 8 - 11 |
2014 |
62 | Raj, R., & Wang, E. N. | Influence of dynamic wettability on evaporation kinetics of microscopic sessile droplets | The 15th International Heat Transfer Conference | Kyoto, Japan August 10 - 15 |
2014 |
61 | Lu, Z., Narayanan, S., Hanks, D. F., Raj, R., Xiao , R., Antao, D. S., & Wang, E. N. | Modeling of nanoporous membranes for high flux thin film evaporation | The 15th International Heat Transfer Conference | Kyoto, Japan August 10 - 15 |
2014 |
60 | Hanks, D. F., Lu, Z., Bagnall, K. R., Narayanan, S., Raj, R., Xiao , R., & Wang, E. N. | Nanoporous evaporative device for advanced electronics thermal management | The Intersociety Conference on Thermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (ITHERM) | Orlando, FL, USA Best Paper Award May 27 - 30 |
2014 |
59 | Humplik, T, Raj, R., Ma roo, S. C., Laoui, T., & Wang, E. N. | Selective water transport across uniform sub -nanometer pores in microfabricated membrane | Hilton Head 2014 Workshop, A Solid -State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Workshop | Sonesta Resort, SC 29928, USA June 8 - 11 |
2014 |
58 | Liang, Q, Raj, R., Adera, S., Somasundaram, S., Tan, C. S., & Wang, E. N | Experiment and modeling of microstructured capillary wicks for thermal management of electronics | 15th Electronic Packaging Technology Conference | Singapore December 11 - 13 |
2013 |
57 | Adera, S, Raj, R., & Wang, E. N. | Capillary limited thin -film evaporation on microstructured surfaces | ASME 2013 4th Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer International Conference | Hong Kong, China December 11 - 14 | 2013 |
56 | Adera, S, Raj, R.,Enright, R., & Wang, E. N. | Evaporation -induced Cassie droplets on superhydrophilic microstructured surfaces | ASME 2012 10th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels | Puerto Rico July 8 - 12 |
2012 |
55 | Raj, R. , Kim , J., & McQuillen, J. | On the scaling of pool boiling heat flux with gravity and heater size | ASME/JSME 8th Thermal Engineering Joint Conference | Honolulu, Hawaii March 13 - 17 |
2011 |
54 | Raj, R. , Kim , J., McQuillen, J., Sheredy, W., Booth, W., Charpie, J., Eggers, J., Funk, G., Funk, J., & Valentine, R. | Heater size and orientation effect on pool boiling of FC -72 | ASME International Heat Transfer Conference IHTC -14 | Washington D C August 8 - 13 |
2010 |
53 | Raj, R. , Kim , J., & McQuillen, J. | Gravity scaling parameter for pool boiling heat transfer | ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition | Lake Buena Vista, Florida November 13 - 19 |
2009 |
52 | Raj, R. , & Kim, J. | Heater size effect on subcooled boiling of FC -72 | 7th ECI Conference on Boiling | Florianopolis -SC, Brazil May 3 - 7 |
2009 |
51 | Raj, R. , & Kim, J. | Thermocapillary convection during subcooled boiling in reduced gravity environments | Interdisciplinary Transport Phenomena V: Fluid | Thermal, Biological, Material and
Space Sciences, Bansko, Bulgaria October 14 - 19 |
2007 |
50 | Raj, R. , Prasad , A., Parida, P. R., & Mishra, S. C. | Analysis of phase change of a semitransparent media using the lattice Boltzmann method and the discrete transfer method | 18th National and 7th International ISHMT -ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference | Indian Institute of
Technology Guwahati, India January 4 - 6 |
2006 |
49 | Mishra, S. C., Parida, P. R., Raj, R. , & Prasad, A. | Application of the lattice Boltzmann method and the discrete ordinate method for the analysis of solidification of a semitransparent planar layer subjected to radiative and convective cooling | International Conference on Advanced Material Design and Development | Goa, India December 14 - 16 |
2005 |
48 | Sharma, T., Azad, R., Daschakraborty, S., & Raj, R. | Utility of Lubricant Induced Surfaces for Enhancing Droplet Removal in Microgravity Applications | 14th Asian Microgravity Symposium | IIT Madras, Tamil Nadu, India December 1 - 6 |
2024 |
47 | Upadhyay, A., Raza, M. Q., Kumar, N., and Raj, R. | Sound of Bubble Departure in Adverse Gravity Conditions | 14th Asian Microgravity Symposium | IIT Madras, Tamil Nadu, India December 1 -6 |
2024 |
46 | Upadhyay, A., Raza, M. Q., Kumar, N., and Raj, R. | Enhancing Boiling Performance in Adverse Gravity Conditions with Mixtures of Surfactants and Ionic Liquids | 14th Asian Microgravity Symposium | IIT Madras, Tamil Nadu, India December 1 - 6 |
2024 |
45 | Alam, MdQ., Upadhyay, A., Assam, A., & Raj, R | Investigation of bubble
acoustics via experimental nalytical, and computational fluid dynamics approaches |
Annual AeSI CFD Symposium, AeSI CFD | Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi August 11 - -13 |
2024 |
44 | Shukla, A., Upadhyay, A., Qadeer, M., Thakur, A. D., and Raj, R. | Advancing Two - Phase Energy Systems with Ionic Liquid -Based Coating Technologies | 1st International Conference on Advancement in Thermal -Spray (ICOAT) 2024 | Indian Institute of Technology Patna July 18 - 21 |
2024 |
43 | Upadhyay, A., Kumar, B., and Raj, R. | Potential of Soluble Molecular Additives in Boiling -Based Thermal Management Systems | 4th Conference on Micro Flow and Interfacial Phenomena (- FIP) | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong June 20 - 24 |
2024 |
42 | Sinha, R., Sunil, Thakur, A. D., and Raj, R., a | Design, fabrication, and experimental investigations of a heat recovery system from biomass gasifier exhaust for regeneration of desiccant | 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Bio -Energy Research | SSS -NIBE, Kapurthala, Punjab, India October 9-12 |
2023 |
41 | Alam, Md | Q., Upadhyay, A., Sinha, K. N. R., Kumar, V., Assam, A., Thakur, T., & Raj, R. (2023, May 15- 17) | Acoustic characterization of bubbles for in -situ prediction and control of boiling heat transfer regimes | 11th International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer, ICBCHT -2023, University of Edinburgh | None |
40 | Upadhyay, A. , Kumar, B., & Raj, R. | Simultaneous enhancement in pool boiling CHF and HTC with the aqueous solutions of mixture of SDS and [C2mim][Cl] | Indian Chemical Engineering Congress & 75th Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers CHEMCON - 2022 | Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur December 27 - 30 |
2022 |
39 | Kumar, B. , Upadhyay, A. , & Raj, R. | Synergistic effect of ionic liquid on the foamability of aqueous surfactant solutions | Indian Chemical Engineering Congress & 75th Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers CHEMCON - 2022 | Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur December 27 - 30 |
2022 |
38 | Alam, M. Q., Upadhyay, A. , Assam, A., & Raj, R | Numerical investigation of passive acoustic emissions during bubble departure from an underwater nozzle | Indian Chemical Engineering Congress & 75th Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers CHEMCON -2022 | Harcourt Butler
Technical University, Kanpur December 27 - 30 |
2022 |
37 | Azad, R. , Sharma, T., Nam, Y., Daschakraborty, S., & Raj, R. | On -demand rupture of condensate film via interfacial adsorption of aroma compounds | Indian Chemical Engineering Congress & 75th Annual Session of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers CHEMCON -2022 | Harcourt Butler
Technical University, Kanpur December 27 - 30 |
2022 |
36 | Sunil , Sinha, R., Agarwal, A., Thakur, A. D., & Raj, R. | Biomass gasification - based low -temperature drying of farm perishables | International Virtual Conference on H2 and CO2 2022 (ICH2CO2- 22) | Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune, India November 17 - 19 |
2022 |
35 | Upadhyay, A | , Kumar, B., & Raj, R. (2022, November 12 - 13) | Understanding the role of counterions of imidazolium -based ionic liquids on boiling heat transfer | International Chemical Engineering Conference 2022, Indian Institute of Technology Patna | None |
34 | Sharma, T., Erimban, S., Azad, R., Nam, Y., Daschakraborty, S., & Raj, R. | Molecular dynamic simulations of aroma compounds adsorbed on vapor -liquid interface | International Chemical Engineering Conference 2022 | Indian Institute of Technology Patna November 12 - 13 |
2022 |
33 | Sunil, Agarwal, A., Thakur, A. D., & Raj, R. | Comparison of high cycle performance of calcium chloride composites | International Chemical Engineering Conference 2022 | Indian
Institute of Technology Patna November 12 - 13 |
2022 |
32 | Sinha, K. N. R., Kumar, V., Thakur, A., & Raj, R. | Decoding the sound of boiling for advance prediction of boiling crisis | 1st International Conference in Fluid | Thermal, and Energy Systems
(ICFTE22), NIT Calicut June 9 |
2022 |
31 | Raza, M. Q., Kumar, N., Verma, A., & Raj, R. | Boiling -based thermal management strategies for Earth and reduced gravity applications | Online International Symposium on Fluid and Thermal Engineering (FLUTE 2021) | Amity University July 22 |
2021 |
30 | Gunjan, M. R. , Kumar, A., & Raj, R. | Constant mean curvature based framework for modeling droplet evaporation on lubricant -infused surfaces | 10th International Colloids Conference | Mallorca, Spain (Conducted Online) December 6 - 9 |
2020 |
29 | Kumar, A. , Gunjan, M. R. , & Raj, R. | Unified tool for mapping the evolution of sessile drop under the influence of gravity | 10th International Colloids Conference | Mallorca, Spain
(Conducted Online) December 6 - 9 |
2020 |
28 | Chaitanya, B., Gunjan, M. R. , Thakur, A. D., & Raj, R. | Fabrication of robust and PFC free superhydrophobic copper surfaces | 10th International Colloids Conference | Mallorca, Spain
(Conducted Online) December 6 - 9 |
2020 |
27 | Kumar, N. , Raza, M. Q., & Raj, R. | Boiling with foaming solutions for Earth and microgravity applications | 25th National and 3rd International ISHMT -ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC) | IIT Roorkee, India December 28 - 31 |
2019 |
26 | Raza, M. Q., Kumar, N. , & Raj, R. | Critical heat flux mechanisms during pool boiling with Nanofluids | 2019 Micro and Nanoscale Phase Change Heat Transfer | GRC, Renaissance Tuscany
Il Ciocco in Lucca (Barga), Italy February 3 - 8 |
2019 |
25 | Sinha, K. N. R., Ranjan, D., & Raj, R. | Acoustic detection of CHF during pool boiling | Proceedings of the National Conference on Critical Heat Flux and Multiphase Flow | Indian Institute of
Technology, BHU December 22 - 23 |
2018 |
24 | Kumar, N. , Raza, M. Q., & Raj, R. | Pool boiling critical heat flux enhancement in the absence of buoyancy induced bubble departure | Proceedings of the National Conference on Critical Heat Flux and Multiphase Flow | Indian Institute of Technology, BHU December 22 - 23 |
2018 |
23 | Raza, M. Q., Kumar, N. , & Raj, R. | Critical heat flux with foaming solutions: Mechanism and modeling | Proceedings of the National Conference on Critical Heat Flux and Multiphase Flow | Indian Institute of Technology, BHU Rishi Raj, Ph December 22 - 23 |
2018 |
22 | Raza, M. Q., Kumar, N. , & Raj, R. | Vapor crowding -based limit to pool boiling critical heat flux | ASME 2017 International Conference on Nanochannels | Microchannels and Minichannels, Hyatt
Regency, Cambridge, MA Keynote Address August 27 - 30 |
2017 |
21 | Adera, S. , Antao, D. S., Raj, R. , & Wang, E. N. | Hotspot cooling via thin -film evaporation | MARC 2016 | Bretton Woods, NH January |
2016 |
20 | Hanks, D. F., Lu, Z., Sircar, J., Raj, R. , Antao, D. S., Narayanan, S., Barabadi, B., Enright, R., Salamon, T., Simon, E., & Wang, E. N. | Microfabricated nanoporous membrane -based evaporation for high heat flux thermal management | GOMACTech | St Louis, MO. May 23 - 26 |
2015 |
19 | Raj, R. , Adera, S., Enright, R., & Wang, E. N. | Wettability on micro and nanoscale surfaces for improved understanding of phase change heat transfer | Gordon Research Conference on Micro and Nanoscale Phase Change Heat Transfer | Galveston, TX January 10 - 16 |
2015 |
18 | Antao, D. S., Adera, S., Raj, R. , & Wang, E. N. | Probing the liquid -vapor interface during phase change heat transfer | Gordon Research Conference on Micro and Nanoscale Phase Change Heat Transfer | Galveston, TX January 10 - 16 |
2015 |
17 | Adera, S. , Antao, D. S., Raj, R. , & Wang, E. N. | Experimental study of thin -film evaporation from microstructured surfaces | MARC 2015 | Bretton Woods, NH January |
2015 |
16 | Humplik, T., Raj, R. , Maroo, S. C., Laoui, T., & Wang, E. N. | Optimized zeolite -based membranes for water desalination | MARC 2014 | Bretton Woods, NH January |
2014 |
15 | Raj, R. , Adera, S., Enright, R., & Wang, E. N. | Polygonal droplets on microstructured surfaces | Visualization of Heat Transfer | ASME 2013 Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Minneapolis, MN July 14 - 19 |
2013 |
14 | Raj, R. , Enright, R., Zhu, Y., Adera, S., & Wang, E. N. | Thermodynamic model for contact angle hysteresis on heterogeneous and superhydrophobic surfaces | ASME 2013 Summer Heat Transfer Conference | Minneapolis, MN July 14 - 19 |
2013 |
13 | Raj, R. , Xiao, R., & Wang, E. N. | Experiments, modeling, and optimization of thin film evaporation in microstructured capillary wicks | ASME 2013 Summer Heat Transfer Conference | Minneapolis, MN July 14 - 19 |
2013 |
12 | Raj, R | , Maroo, S. C., & Wang, E. N. (2013, April 1 - 5) | Substrate effect on the wettability of graphene | 2013 Material Research Society Spring Exhibit and Meeting, San Francisco, CA |
None |
11 | Humplik, T., Raj, R. , Laoui, T., & Wang, E. N. | Determining the optimal zeolite properties for increasing water permeability | 2013 Material Research Society Spring Exhibit and Meeting | San
Francisco, CA April 1 - 5 |
2013 |
10 | Raj, R. , Enright, R., Adera, S., & Wang, E. N. | Thermodynamic model for contact angle hysteresis on rough surfaces | Bulletin of the American Physical Society | APS March Meeting, 58(1) |
2013 |
9 | Adera, S. , Raj, R. , Enright, R., & Wang, E. N. | Evaporation -induced Cassie droplets on superhydrophilic microstructured surfaces | ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition | Houston, Texas November 9 - 15 |
2012 |
8 | Di Marco, P., Raj, R. , & Kim, J. | Boiling in variable gravity under the action of electric field: Preliminary results of two parabolic flight experiments | 7th International Topical Team Workshop on Two -Phase Systems for Ground and Space Applications | Beijing, China September 17 - 21 |
2010 |
7 | Kim, J., Raj, R. , & McQuillen, J. | Pool boiling heat transfer in microgravity: Results from the Microheater Array Boiling Experiment (BXF -MABE) on the ISS. | . 1st Annual ISS Research and Development Conference | Colorado, Denver, USA June 26 - 27 |
2012 |
6 | Raj, R. , & Kim, J. | Characterization of pool boiling over a range of gravity levels and heater sizes | 5th International Topical Team Workshop on Two -Phase Systems for Ground and Space Applications | Kyoto, Japan September 26 - 29 |
2010 |
5 | Raj, R. , Kim, J., & McQuillen, J. | Gravity scaling parameter for pool boiling heat transfer | 5th International Topical Team Workshop on Two -Phase Systems for Ground and Space Applications | Kyoto, Japan September 26 - 29 |
2010 |
4 | Raj, R., and Kim, J. | Characterization of Pool Boiling over a Range of Gravity Levels and Heater Sizes | Fifth International Topical Team Workshop on Two-Phase Systems for Ground and Space Applications | Kyoto, Japan, September 26-29 | 2010 |
3 | Raj, R., Kim, J., and John McQuillen | Gravity Scaling Parameter for Pool Boiling Heat Transfer | Fifth International Topical Team Workshop on Two-Phase Systems for Ground and Space Applications | Kyoto, Japan, September 26-29 | 2010 |
2 | Di Marco, P., Raj, R., and Kim, J. | Boiling in Variable Gravity under the Action of Electric Field: Preliminary Results from the Parabolic Flight Experiments | Fifth International Topical Team Workshop on Two-Phase Systems for Ground and Space Applications | Kyoto, Japan, September 26-29 | 2010 |
1 | Raj, R., Kim, J., and McQuillen, J. | Subcooled Pool Boiling in Variable Gravity Environments | Third International Topical Team Workshop on Two-Phase Systems for Ground and Space Applications | Brussels, Belgium, September 10-12 | 2008 |