Dr. Gaurav Tomar

Dr. Gaurav Tomar
Assistant Professor
Ph.D, Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) Ahmedabad and IIT Gandhinagar
Ph: +91 6115-233-981
Research Areas
  • Astroparticle Physics, Dark Matter, Physics beyond the Standard Model
Other Interests
  • Indian History and Philosophy
Courses taught at IIT P
  • Mathematical Physics (PH421)- Autumn 2023 Numerical Techniques: (PH427) - Autumn 2023 Mathematical Physics (EP204)- Spring 2024 Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics (EP202)- Spring 2024
Professional Experience
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, IIT Patna (2023-present) Postdoctoral Researcher, Chungnam National University, South Korea (2022-2023) Technical University of Munich Foundation Fellowship (TUFF) postdoctoral researcher, Germany (2020-2022) Postdoctoral Researcher, Sogang University, South Korea (2017-2020) Postdoctoral Researcher, Physical Research Laboratory Ahmedabad, India (2016-2017)
Awards & Honours
  • Technical University of Munich Foundation Fellowship (TUFF) (2019), Technical University of Munich, Germany Centre for International Co-operation in Science (CICS), Chennai travel fellowship (2014) Fellowship for Doctoral Studies & Research (2010) Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India CSIR & UGC NET(2009) and GATE (2010)
Publications / Journals / Conferences
  • Journal Publications:

    • Probing non-standard neutrino interactions with interference: insights from dark matter and neutrino experiments, Jong-Chul Park, G. Tomar, JCAP 08 (2023) 025 arXiv: arXiv: 2305.10836 [hep-ph]
    • Low-mass extension of direct detection bounds on WIMP-quark and WIMP-gluon effective interactions using the Migdal effectG. Tomar, S. Kang, S. Scopel, Astropart.Phys. 150 (2023) 102851 arXiv: 2210.00199 [hep-ph]
    • Complementarity of experiments in probing the non-relativistic effective theory of dark matter-nucleon interactions, A. Brenner, G. Herrera, A. Ibarra, S. Kang, S. Scopel, G. TomarJCAP 06 (2022) 06, 026 arXiv:2203.04210 [hep-ph]
    • WimPyDD: an object-oriented Python code for the calculation of WIMP direct detection signals, Jeong, Kang, S. Scopel, G. TomarComput.Phys.Commun.276 (2022)108342 arXiv:2106.06207 [hep-ph]
    • The phenomenology of nuclear scattering for a WIMP of arbitrary spin, P. Gondolo, I. Jeong, S. Kang, S. Scopel, G. Tomar,Phys.Rev.D 104 (2021) 6, 063018 arXiv:2102.09778 [hep-ph]
    • The effective theory of nuclear scattering for a WIMP of arbitrary spin, P. Gondolo, S. Kang, S. Scopel, G. Tomar,Phys.Rev.D 104 (2021) 6, 063017 arXiv:2008.05120 [hep-ph]
    • Connecting ANITA Anomalous Events to a Non-thermal Dark Mat- ter Scenario, D. Borah, A. Dasgupta, U. K. Dey, G. Tomar,Phys.Rev. D101, no.7, 075039 (2020) arXiv:1907.02740[hep-ph]
    • COSINE-100 and DAMA/LIBRA-phase2 in WIMP effective models COSINE-100 Collaboration, S. Kang, S. Scopel, G. Tomar, J. H. Yoon, JCAP 1906 (2019) no.06, 048 arXiv:1904.00128 [hep-ph]
    • Probing DAMA/LIBRA in the full parameter space of WIMP effective models of inelastic scattering, S. Kang, S. Scopel, G. TomarPhys.Rev. D99 (2019) no.10,103019 arXiv:1902.09121 [hep-ph]
    • Proton-philic spin-dependent inelastic Dark Matter (pSIDM) as a viable explanation of DAMA/LIBRA-phase2, S. Kang, S. Scopel, G. Tomar, J. H. Yoon, Phys.Rev. D99 (2019) no.2, 023017arXiv:1810.09674 [hep-ph]
    • On the sensitivity of present direct detection experiments to WIMP- quark and WIMP-gluon effective interactions: A systematic assessment and new model-independent approachesS. Kang, S. Scopel, G. Tomar, J. H. Yoon, Astropart.Phys. 114 (2020) 80-91 arXiv:1810.00607 [hep-ph]
    • Anapole Dark Matter after DAMA/LIBRA-phase2, S. Kang, S. Scopel, G. Tomar, J. H. Yoon, P. Gondolo, JCAP 1811 (2018) no.11, 040 arXiv:1808.04112 [hep-ph]
    • Present and projected sensitivities of Dark Matter direct detection experiments to effective WIMP-nucleus couplings, S. Kang, S. Scopel, G. Tomar, J. H. Yoon, Astropart.Phys. 109 (2019) 50-68 arXiv:1805.06113 [hep-ph]
    • DAMA/LIBRA-phase2 in WIMP effective models, S. Kang, S. Scopel, G. Tomar, J. H. Yoon, JCAP 07 (2018) 016 arXiv:1804.07528 [hep-ph]
    • Multi-component Fermionic Dark Matter and IceCube PeV scale Neutrinos in Left-Right Model with Gauge Unification, D. Borah, A. Dasgupta, U. K. Dey, S. Patra, G. TomarJHEP 1709 (2017) 005 arXiv:1704.04138 [hep-ph]
    • Lorentz invariance violation as an explanation of the muon excess in Auger data, G. TomarPhys.Rev. D95 (2017) no.9, 095035 arXiv:1701.05890 [hep-ph]
    • Vector dark matter annihilation with internal bremsstrahlungG. Bambhaniya, J. Kumar, D. Marfatia, A. C. Nayak, G. TomarPhys.Lett. B766 (2017) 177-180 arXiv:1609.05369 [hep-ph]
    • 750 GeV resonance in the dark left-right model, U. K. Dey, S. Mohanty, G. TomarPhys.Lett. B766 (2017) 177-180arXiv:1609.05369 [hep-ph]
    • Explaining AMS-02 positron excess and muon anomalous magnetic moment in dark left-right gauge model, T. Basak, S. Mohanty, G. TomarJHEP 03 (2016) 062 arXiv:1501.06193 [hep-ph]
    • Lorentz Invariance Violation and IceCube Neutrino Events, G. Tomar, S. Mohanty, S. Pakvasa, JHEP 11 (2015)022 arXiv:1507.03193 [hep-ph]
    • Muon anomalous magnetic moment and positron excess at AMS-02 in a gauged horizontal symmetric model, G. Tomar, S. Mohanty, JHEP 11 (2014) 133 arXiv:1403.6301 [hep-ph]

    Conference Publications:

    • WimPyDD: an object-oriented Python code for WIMP-nucleus scattering direct detection in virtually any scenario, G. Tomar, I. Jeong, S. Kang, S. Scopel, J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 2156 (2021) 2, 012061 arXiv: 2110.11086 [hep-ph]
    • Is a WIMP explanation of the DAMA modulation effect still viable? G. Tomar, S. Kang, S. Scopel, J. H. Yoon, J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 2156 (2021) 012069 arXiv:1911.12601 [hep-ph]
    • Non-standard scaling laws of WIMP-nucleus interactions in WIMP direct detection, G. Tomar, S. Kang, S. Scopel, J. H. Yoon, PoS ICHEP2018 (2019) 352 arXiv:1810.10776 [hep-ph]
    • Explaining muon magnetic moment and AMS-02 positron excess in a gauged horizontal symmetric modelG. TomarSpringer Proceedings in Physics Series, arXiv:1507.01797 [hep-ph]
  • Low-mass extension of direct detection bounds using the Migdal effect, invited talk at the 5th Workshop on Dark Matter as a Portal to New Physics (2023), APCTP Pohang, South Korea Impact of operators interference in IceCube and dark matter direct detection experiments, SFB1258 meeting (2022), Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich, Germany WimPyDD: an object-oriented Python code for WIMP-nucleus scattering direct detection in virtually any scenario, TAUP conference (2021), Valencia, Spain Squeezing the parameter space of dark matter, invited talk at the physics department of IIT Guwahati (2021), India Impact of operators interference in dark matter direct detection experiments, PASCOS (2021), IBS, South Korea Is a WIMP explanation of the DAMA modulation effect still viable? TAUP conference (2019), Toyama, Japan WIMPyDD: code for dark matter direct detection, Dark Matter Identification: Connecting Theory and Signature Space (2019), MITP, Mainz, Germany Present and future sensitivity of WIMP direct detection in EFT, ICHEP conference (2018), COEX, Seoul, South Korea Vector dark matter annihilation with internal bremsstrahlung, Candles of Darkness discussion meeting (2017), ICTS, Banglore Dark Matter indirect detection: Challenges and Prospects, IBS-CTPU (2017), IBS, Daejeon, South Korea Vector dark matter annihilation with internal bremsstrahlung, Axion Dark Matter workshop (2016), NORDITA, Stockholm, Sweden 750 GeV Resonance in the Dark Left-Right model,Indo French Collaboration Kick off Meeting (2016), IISc Bangalore, India Muon anomalous magnetic moment and positron excess at AMS-02 in a gauged horizontal symmetric model,XXI DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics Symposium (2014), IIT Guwahati, India