Computer Science and Engineering

Overview and About Department:

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering was established in 2008 with B.Tech in CSE and a PhD Program. As of 2024, the CSE department offers BTech CSE, BTech AI & DS, MTech CSE, MTech AI and PhD programs. Our undergraduates choose industries such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, etc., for internships and placement, so becoming the top choice for aspiring undergraduates is a preferred destination to study. We are now implementing a faculty search to contact and persuade bright candidates from IITs to apply for faculty positions in rolling advertisements.

Our department features well-equipped teaching and research laboratories, providing substantial support, fellowships (such as PMRF, TCS Scholarship, Visvesvaraya fellowship) and sponsorship for doctoral candidates. Most of the faculty members have sponsored research and development projects to enhance our academic activities.

The department is focussing on cutting-edge research in areas of Computer Science such as Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen AI), natural language processing, machine learning, deep learning, blockchain technology, Internet of Things, Cloud, Edge, and Fog computing, Mobile Computing, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) Networking, social networks, computer vision, and quantum computing.

Our research labs are equipped with a Data-Center having AI-GPU clusters and include labs such as AI+ML+NLP Lab, Blockchain Lab, IoT Lab, Network Security Lab, Advanced Computing Lab, and Metaverse. Notable Sponsored Research projects include IOT Devices for Weather Early Warning by BSDMA, WAI-based tools for women and child safety by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Hindi-to-English machine-aided translation in the judicial domain, a platform for cross-lingual and multilingual event monitoring in Indian languages,.

Our department is sponsored by agencies such as DST, SERB, MeiTy, MHA, and the Bihar Government, as well as industries like Microsoft, Samsung, LG-Soft, Wipro, Flipkart, CRISIL, Sony, Accenture, Simnovus, and CDAC. Faculty members and students have received numerous accolades and published in top-tier conferences and journals.

Our Research Scholars are also actively involved in founding startups, e.g., “Virtual Doctor” by Dr. Abhisek Tiwari (PhD Graduate).

Our undergraduate students are coordinating in various technical clubs for coding, etc., such as Google Developer Student Clubs IIT Patna, powered by Google Developers, NJACK (Not Just Another Computer Science (K)Club), to inculcate coding and programming skills for computer science enthusiasts through productive sessions and fun events. Furthermore, the department has “Microsoft Center of Excellence on Artificial Intelligence”. The department held a hackathon on generative AI in collaboration with Microsoft Azure, and on January 26, 2024, announced the BTech CSE, AI&DS student teams that received the cash prize by the Director Prof. T. N.Singh.


The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is offering:

  • B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering
  • B.Tech. in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
  • M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering
  • M.Tech. in Artificial Intelligence
  • Dual Degree (B.Tech. & M.Tech.) in Computer Science and Engineering
  • Doctor in Philosophy (Ph.D.)

The mission of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering is to achieve global excellence in education, research, and innovation. We are committed to providing high-quality education that prepares our students for successful careers and lifelong learning. Through groundbreaking research, we aim to push the boundaries of knowledge and technology, addressing critical challenges and contributing to societal advancement. Our department strives to foster a dynamic and inclusive environment that encourages collaboration, creativity, and continuous improvement in accordance with the growing industrial demands.


Our vision is to be a global leader in computer science and engineering, recognized for our academic excellence, pioneering research, and impactful contributions to society. We aspire to be the top choice for students, researchers, and faculty members worldwide, driving innovation and setting the standards in the field. By cultivating a culture of excellence and integrity, we aim to inspire the next generation of leaders and innovators who will shape the future of technology and positively impact the world.