Centre for Earthquake Engineering Research (CEER)

Welcome to the Centre for Centre for Earthquake Engineering Research (CEER) at the Indian Institute of Technology Patna!

The Centre for Earthquake Engineering Research (CEER) was established in 2017 and acts as a research centre within the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering


The main objective of the center is to work towards earthquake risk mitigation in the region and in the country. The objective of the center may be achieved by:

  • Advancing the practice of earthquake engineering.
  • Improving understanding of the impact of earthquakes on the physical, social, economic, political, and cultural environment.
  • Advocating comprehensive and realistic measures for reducing the harmful effects of earthquakes.


To have a community in which potential earthquake losses are widely understood and for which realistic steps have been taken to address those risks.


To become a pioneer in earthquake engineering investigations and in the dissemination of earthquake risk reduction information both in Bihar and nationally in cooperation with its regional, national and international partners.

  • Development of various EQ engineering research facilities
  • Research activities
  • Consultancy activities
  • Connect with local/national/international organizations and collaboration
  • Organizing training/workshop/seminar time-to-time for the benefit of the industry/academia
  • Master’s program in earthquake engineering