Dr. Shivangi Shree

Dr. Shivangi Shree
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
Ph.D., Institut national des sciences appliquées (INSA), Toulouse, France
Research Areas
  • 2DMaterials Optical Spectroscopy Exciton Physics Quantum Dots
Professional Experience
  • Assistant Professor at IIT Patna (June 2024 - Present) Postdoctoral Fellow in Department of Physics, Harvard University Cambridge, USA from Nov. 2022 -May 2024. Postdoctoral Scholar in Department of Physics, The University of Washington, Seattle, USA from March 2021 – Oct. 2022.
Awards & Honours
  • Marie Skłodowska-Curie Ph.D Fellow under European Innovative Training Network (4PHOTON). GATE Fellowship for M.Tech. MHRD, Govt. of India.
Member of Professional bodies
  • American Physical Society Materials Research Society
Publications / Journals / Conferences
    1. A. D. Logan, S. Shree, S. Chakaravarthi, N. Yama, C. Pederson, K. Hestroffer, F. Hatami, Kai-Mei C. Fu, "Triply-Resonant Sum Frequency Conversion with Gallium Phosphide Ring Resonators", Optics Express, 31, 2, 1516-1531 (2023).
    2. D. Beret, I. Paradisanos, Z. Gan, E. N. dehaghani, A. George, T. Lehnert, J. Biskupek, S. Shree, A. Estrada-Real, D. Lagarde, J. Poumirol, V. Paillard, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, X. Marie, U. Kaiser, P. Renucci, L. Lombez, A. Turchanin, B. Urbaszek," Exciton spectroscopy and diffusion in MoSe2-WSe2 lateral heterostructures encapsulated in hexagonal boron nitride", npj 2D Materials and Applications, 6, 84 (2022).
    3. L. Thiel, A. D. Logan, S. Chakravarthi, S. Shree, K. Hestroffer, F. Hatami, K.M. C. Fu, "Precise electron beam-based target-wavelength trimming for frequency conversion in integrated photonic resonators", Optics Express, 30, 5, 6921 (2022).
    4. L. Sponfeldner, N. Leisgang, S. Shree, I. Paradisanos, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, C. Robert, D. Lagarde, A. Balocchi, X. Marie, I. C. Gerber, B. Urbaszek, R. J. Warburton, "Capacitively and inductively coupled excitons in bilayer MoS2", Physical Review Letters, 129, 107401 (2022).
    5. S. Shree, D. Lagarde, L. Lombez, C. Robert, A. Balocchi, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, X. Marie, I. C. Gerber, M. M. Glazov, L. E. Golub, B. Urbaszek, I. Paradisanos, " Interlayer exciton mediated second harmonic generation in bilayer MoS2",
      Nature Communications, 12, 6894 (2021).
    6. A. P. Frauendorf, A. Niebur, L. Harms, S. Shree, B. Urbaszek, M. Oestreich, J. Hübner, and J. Lauth, "Room temperature micro-photoluminescence studies of colloidal WS2 nanosheets", Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 125, 18841–18848 (2021).
    7. J. Poumirol, I. Paradisanos, S. Shree, G. Agez, X. Marie, C. Robert, N. Mallet, P. R. Wiecha, G. Larrieu, V. Larrey, F. Fournel, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, Au. Cuche, V. Paillard, B. Urbaszek, "Unveiling the optical emission channels of monolayer semiconductors coupled to silicon nanoantennas",
      ACS Photonics, 7, 3106–3115 (2020).
    8. S. Shree, I. Paradisanos, X. Marie, C. Robert, and B. Urbaszek, "Guide to optical spectroscopy of layered semiconductors", Nature Review Physics, 3, 39–54 (2020).
    9. N. Leisgang*, S. Shree*, I. Paradisanos*, L. Sponfeldner*, C. Robert, D. Lagarde, A. Balocchi, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, X. Marie, R. J. Warburton, I. C. Gerber, and B. Urbaszek, " Giant Stark splitting of an exciton in bilayer MoS2", Nature Nanotechnology, 15, 901–907 (2020), *joint first author.
    10. I. Paradisanos*, S. Shree*, A. George, N. Leisgang, C. Robert, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, R. J. Warburton, A. Turchanin, X. Marie, I. C. Gerber and B. Urbaszek, "Controlling interlayer excitons in MoS2 layers grown by chemical vapor deposition", Nature Communications, 11, 2391 (2020), *joint first author.
    11. S. Shree, A. George, T. Lehnert, C. Neumann, M. Benelajla, C. Robert, X. Marie, K. Watanabe,T. Taniguchi, U. Kaiser, B. Urbaszek and A. Turchanin, "High optical quality of MoS2 monolayers grown by chemical vapor deposition",
      2D Materials, 7, 015011 (2019).
    12. M. Goryca, J.Li, A.V. Stier, T. Taniguchi, K.Watanabe, E. Courtade, S. Shree, C. Robert, B. Urbaszek, X. Marie and S.A. Crooker, "Revealing exciton masses and dielectric properties of monolayer semiconductors with high magnetic fields", Nature Communications, 10, 4172 (2019).
    13. I. C. Gerber, E. Courtade, S. Shree, C. Robert, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, A. Balocchi, P. Renucci, D. Lagarde, X. Marie, and B. Urbaszek, "Interlayer excitons in bilayer MoS2 with strong oscillator strength up to room temperature",
      Physical Review B, 99, 035443 (2019).
    14. S. Shree, M. Semina, C. Robert, B Han, T. Amand, A. Balocchi, M. Manca, E. Courtade, X. Marie, T. Taniguchi, K.Watanabe, M. M. Glazov and B. Urbaszek, “Observation of exciton-phonon coupling in MoSe2 monolayers”, Physical Review B, 98, 035302 (2018).
    15. B. Han, C. Robert, E. Courtade, M. Manca, S. Shree, T. Amand, P. Renucci, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, X. Marie, L. E. Golub, M. M. Glazov, and B. Urbaszek, “Exciton states in monolayer MoSe2 and MoTe2 probed by upconversion spectroscopy", Physical Review X, 8, 031073 (2018).
    16. M. Manca, G.Wang, T. Kuroda, S. Shree, A. Balocchi, P. Renucci, X. Marie, M. V. Durnev, M. M. Glazov, K. Sakoda, T. Mano, T. Amand, and B. Urbaszek, “Electrically tunable dynamic nuclear spin polarization in GaAs quantum dots at zero magnetic field", Applied Physics. Letter, 112, 142103 (2018). 
  • 1. An invited oral presentation at IIT Bombay, 7 December 2023. 2. An invited oral presentation at IIT Bhubaneswar, 5 December 2023. 3. An invited oral presentation at NISER Bhubaneswar, 4 December 2023. 4. An invited oral presentation at IIT Patna, 22 November 2023. 5. An invited oral presentation on "Engineering Quantum states in 2D Materials", 2021 MRSI - AGM Conference, IIT Madras, Chennai, India, 20 - 23 December 2021. 6. Oral presentation on "Interlayer excitons mediated second harmonic generation control in bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides", 2021 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, USA, 6 - 8 December 2021. 7. Oral presentation on "Interlayer excitons in bilayer MoS2", 2020 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, USA, 27 November - 4 December 2020. 8. Oral presentation on "High optical quality of MoS2 monolayers grown by chemical vapor deposition", 2019 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, USA, 1 - 6 December 2019. 9. Oral presentation on "Exciton - phonon interaction and upconversion spectroscopy in monolayer MoSe2”, 2018 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit Boston, USA, 25 - 30 November, 2018. 10. Poster presentation on "Interlayer excitons in homobilayer MoS2 with strong oscillator strength", Flatlands beyond Graphene 2019, Toulouse (France), 2-6 September 2019. 11. Poster presentation on "Optical spectroscopy of semiconductor nano-structures for spintronics and quantum Optics", The XII th Doctoral School Days, Toulouse, France, 16-17 May, 2019. 12. Poster presentation on "hBN encapsulated MoSe2 and WSe2 monolayers: detailed access to optical properties", Thematic summer school on "Frontier research on 2D materials, Corsica, France, 2-13 April, 2018. In addition several oral and poster presentations within the European union 4PHOTON network and outside the network.