Dr. Akash Singh

Dr. Akash Singh
Assistant Professor
Ph.D, Indian Institute of Science
Ph: 8991
Research Areas
  •  Electronic Structure Theory  Spin-Defects for Quantum Information Science  Magnetic Doping and Polaron Dynamics  2D Quantum Materials
Courses taught at IIT P
  •  PH103 (T)
Professional Experience
  •  Assistant Professor at IIT Patna (March 2024 - Present)  Postdoctoral Fellow at University of California, LA, USA (May 2023 - Feb 2024)  Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Pennsylvania, PA, USA (Nov 2020 - April 2023)
Awards & Honours
  •  INSPIRE Faculty Award - DST/INSPIRE/04/2023/001458  Best presentation at RAMAN-2020)  Tata Trust Travel Grant by ODAA at IISc  INSPIRE Fellowship (2015-2020) and INSPIRE Scholarship (2010-2015)
Member of Professional bodies
  •  American Physical Society  JAIST, Japan
Publications / Journals / Conferences
    • Meikang Han*, Danzhen Zhang*, Akash Singh*, Tetiana Hryhorchuk, Christopher Eugene Shuck, Teng Zhang, Lingyi Bi, Bernard McBride, Vivek B. Shenoy, Yury Gogotsi “Versatility of infrared properties of MXenes” Mater. Today (2023), 64, 31-39, (*Equal contribution)
    •  Christopher Price, Akash Singh, Nathan Frey, Vivek B. Shenoy “Predicting Surface Strain Effects on Adsorption Energy with Graph Neural Networks” Sci. Adv. 8, 47, eabq5944 (2022)
    • Meikang Han; Christopher E. Shuck; Akash Singh; Yizhou Yang; Alexandre C. Foucher; Adam Goad; Bernard McBride; Steven J. May; Vivek B. Shenoy; Eric A. Stach; Yury Gogotsi “Efficient Microwave Absorption with Vn+1CnTx MXenes” Cell Reports Physical Science 101073 (2022)
    • Akash Singh, Christopher C Price, Vivek B. Shenoy “Magnetic Order, Electrical Doping, and Charge-State Coupling at Amphoteric Defect Sites in Mn-Doped 2D Semiconductors” ACS Nano 16, 6, 9452-9460 (2022)
    • Akash Singh, Manoj Dey, Abhishek Kumar Singh “Origin of layer-dependent electrical conductivity of transition metal dichalcogenides” Phys. Rev. B 105, 165430 (2022)
    • Akash Singh and Abhishek Kumar Singh “Atypical behaviour of intrinsic defects and promising dopants in two-dimensional WS2Phys. Rev. Mater. 5, 084001 (2021)
    • Manoj Dey, Akash Singh and Abhishek Kumar Singh “Formation of a Small Electron Polaron in Tantalum Oxynitride: Origin of Low Mobility” J. Phys. Chem. C 125, 11548-11554 (2021)
    • Xianghai Meng*, Akash Singh*, Rinkle Juneja, Yanyao Zhang, Fei Tian, Zhifeng Ren, Abhishek Singh, Li Shi, Jung-Fu Lin, Yaguo Wang “Pressure Dependent Behavior of Defect-modulated Band Structure in BAs” Adv. Mater. 32, 2001942 (2020) (*Equal contribution)
    • Akash Singh and Abhishek Kumar Singh “Origin of n-type conductivity of monolayer MoS2Phys. Rev. B 99, 121201(R) (2019)
    • Xianghai Meng, Tribhuwan Pandey, Suyu Fu, Jing Yang, Jihoon Jeong, Ke chen, Akash Singh, Feng He, Xiaochuan Xu, Abhishek Kumar Singh, jung-Fu Lin, Yaguo Wang “Thermal Conductivity Enhancement in MoS2 under Extreme StrainPhys. Rev. Lett. 122,155901 (2019)
    • Marilyn Esclance DMello, Nalini G Sundaram, Akash Singh, and Abhishek Kumar Singh, and Suresh Babu Kalidindi “Amine Functionalized Zirconium Metal-Organic Framework as an Effective Chemiresistive Sensor for Acidic Gases” Chem. Commun. 55, 349-352 (2019)
    • Mrityunjay Pandey, Radhika Soni, Avi Mathur, Akash Singh, Abhishek Kumar Singh, Srinivasan Raghavan, and U. Chandni “A non-invasive sub-surface electrical probe to encapsulated layers in van der Waals heterostructures” Phys. Rev. A 12, 064032 (2019)
    • Sangita Bhowmick, Saptarshi Pal, Akash Singh, Mukul Gupta, Deodatta Phase, Abhishek Kumar Singh, and Aloke Kanjilal “Revealing carbon mediated luminescence centers with enhanced lifetime in porous alumina” J. Appl. Phys 126, 164904 (2019)
    • Akash Singh, Aaditya Manjanath and Abhishek Kumar Singh “Engineering Defect Transition-Levels through the van der Waals Heterostructure” J. Phys. Chem. C 122, 24475-24480 (2018)
    • Sudeshna Ray, Prachi Tadge, S. J Dhoble, Govind B. Nair, Akash Singh, Abhishek Kumar Singh, Monika Rai, Teng Ming Chen, Vinita Rajput “Structural and Spectroscopic Characterizations of A New Near-UV- Converting Cyan-Emitting RbBaScSi3O9:Eu2+ Phosphor with Robust Thermal Performance” J. Alloy. Compd. 138-147,713 (2017)
  •  American Physical Society: Annual March Meeting of the American Physical Society, in Minneapolis, MN, USA, (March 2024)  American Physical Society: Annual March Meeting of the American Physical Society, in Las Vegas, CA, USA, (March 2023)  2D Materials for Spin-Orbitronics, at Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy, (May 2021)  On-line Workshop on Excited Charge Dynamics in Semiconductors, at Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy, (September 2020)  Molecular Simulation with Machine Learning, at Computational Chemical Science Center” Chemistry in Solution and at Interfaces” in Princeton University, USA (July 2020)  Polarons in the 21st Century, Erwin Schrodinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics (ESI) University of Vienna, Austria (December 2019)  30th International Conference on Defects in Semiconductor, in Seattle, Washington, USA, (July 2019)  American Physical Society: Annual March Meeting of the American Physical Society, in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, (March 2019)  Conference on Physics of Defects in Solids: Quantum Mechanics Meet Topology, at Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy, (July 2018)