Prof. Naveen Kumar Nishchal

Prof. Naveen Kumar Nishchal
Ph.D, IIT Delhi
Ph: +91-612-302 8027
Research Areas
  • Applied Optics (Optical Information Processing, Image Encryption, Watermarking, Digital Holography, Fractional Fourier Transform-based Signal Processing, Correlation-based Optical Pattern Recognition)
PHD Students
Sr. No. Photo Area of Reasearch Status
Ms. Mansi Baliyan (2121PH22, since July 23, 2021) at Physics Department, IIT Patna
Mr. Rahul Kumar (2121PH25, since July 23, 2021) at Physics Department, IIT Patna
Mr. Allarakha Shikder (Jan. 2021 -) at Physics Department, IIT Patna [Proposed research title: Investigations on Orbital Angular Momentum of Light]
Former PHD Students
Sr. No. Photo Area of Reasearch Current Position
Mr. Avishek Kumar (2018 – 2022) at Electrical Engineering Department, IIT Patna (co-supervision with Dr. Rajib Kumar Jha) [Thesis title: Fusion-based Approaches for Image Dehazing]
Mr. Alok Kumar Gupta (2016 – 2021) at Physics Department, IIT Patna [Thesis title: _Investigations on __Quantitative Phase Imaging using __Transport of Intensity Equation_]
Mr. Praveen Kumar (2017 – 2021) at Physics Department, IIT Patna [Thesis title: _Investigations on Structured Light to Probe Optical Singularity and its use in Image Encryption_]
Ms. Areeba Fatima (2013-2018) at Physics Department, IIT Patna [Thesis: Some Investigations on Phase-retrieval in Optical Asymmetric Cryptosystems]
Mr. Dhirendra Kumar (2011-2017) at Physics Department, IIT Patna [Thesis: Investigations on Recognition and Security Techniques for Three-dimensional Objects using Digital Holography]
Ms. Isha Mehra (2011-2016) at Physics Department, IIT Patna [Thesis: Investigations on Asymmetric Image Encryption using Optical Transforms]
Mr. Sudheesh Kumar Rajput (2010-2014) at Physics Department, IIT Patna [Thesis: Some Optical Image Encryption Techniques based on Amplitude- and Phase-truncation]
    1. N. K. NishchalOptical Cryptosystems, IOP Publishing Ltd., Bristol, UK (2019).
    2. A. Fatima and N. K. Nishchal, “Equal modulus decomposition based asymmetric optical cryptosystems,” Chapter 5, Advanced Secure Image Processing for Communications, Ed. Ayman Al Falou, IOP Publishing Ltd. (2018).
    3. A. Fatima and N. K. Nishchal, “Phase retrieval in optical cryptography,” Chapter 3, Cryptographic and Information Security Approaches for Images and Videos, Ed. S. Ramakrishnan, CRC Press (2018).
Publications / Journals / Conferences
  • International Journal:

    • R. Kumar, N. K. Nishchal, and A. Alfalou, “Wavelet-modified segmented phase-only filter for in-plane rotated object recognition,” Physica Scripta 99 (2024) 085538.
    • R. Kumar, P. Kumar, N. K. Nishchal, and A. Alfalou, “Image authentication with exclusive-OR operated optical vortices,” Journal of Optical Society of America A 41 (2024) 1365-1371.
    • M. Baliyan and N. K. Nishchal, “Optical cryptography with C-point vector beams,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering 180 (2024) 108337.
    • S. K. Rao and N. K. Nishchal, “Asymmetric multi-image encoding and hiding scheme with structured fingerprint phase masks using gyrator transform and phase-shifting digital holography,” Journal of Optics 26 (2024) 075701.
    • A. Pal, Jyothish M., and N. K. Nishchal, “Estimation of distance and rotation with an optical correlator,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 36 (2024) 689-692.
    • A. Shikder, J. B. Mohapatra, and N. K. Nishchal, “Fractional topological charge measurement through optical correlation,” Optics Letters 49 (2024) 2017-2020
    • M. Baliyan and N. K. Nishchal, “Determining topological charge of Bessel-Gaussian beams using modified Mach-Zehnder interferometer,” MDPI Photonics 11 (2024) 263.
    • A. Shikder, S. K. Rao, P. Kumar, and N. K. Nishchal, “Binary image encryption with QR code-encoded optical beam having array of vortices,” Journal of Optical Society of America A 41 (2024) A72-A82.
    • M. Baliyan, P. Kumar, and N. K. Nishchal, “Image encryption through dualpass modulated azimuthally polarized vector field,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 36 (2024) 313-316.
    • S. K. Rao, N. K. Nishchal, and A. AlFalou, “Optical asymmetric image encryption using vectorial light field encoding,” Optics Communications 554 (2024) 130097.
    • R. Kumar, A. Shikder, N. K. Nishchal, and A. AlFalou, “Topological charge identification of vortex beams through optical correlation,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 35 (2023) 1315-1318.
    • S. K. Rao and N. K. Nishchal, “Optical asymmetric cryptosystem for multiple image encryption through vector field encoding,” Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 129 (2023)
    • R. Kumar, N. K. Nishchal, and A. AlFalou, “Improving the false alarm capability of the extended maximum average correlation height filter,” MDPI Photonics 10 (2023) 1096.
    • M. Baliyan, A. Shikder, and N. K. Nishchal, “Generation of structured light beams by a dual phase modulation with a single spatial light modulator,” Physica Scripta 98 (2023) 105528.
    • A. Shikder and N. K. Nishchal, “Image encryption using binary polarization states of light beam,” Scientific Reports 13 (2023) 14028.
    • M. Baliyan and N. K. Nishchal, “Generating scalar and vector modes of Bessel beams utilizing holographic axicon phase with spatial light modulator,” Journal of Optics 25 (2023) 095702.
    • A. Shikder and N. K. Nishchal, “Generation of optical vortex lattices by in-line phase modulation with partially coherent light,” Journal of Optical Society of America A 40 (2023) 1231-1236.
    • A. Shikder and N. K. Nishchal, “Measurement of fractional topological charge of optical vortex beam through interference fringe dislocation,” Applied Optics 62 (2023) D58-D67.
    • I. Mehra and N. K. Nishchal, “Fingerprint image encryption using phase retrieval algorithm in gyrator wavelet transform domain using QR decomposition,” Optics Communications 533 (2023) 129265.
    • A. Shikder, P. Kumar, and N. K. Nishchal, "Image encryption by structured phase encoding and its effectiveness in turbulent medium," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 35 (2023) 128-131.
    • P. Kumar, N. K. Nishchal, T. Omatsu, and A. S. Rao, “Self-referenced interferometry for single-shot detection of vector-vortex beams,” Scientific Reports 12 (2022) 17253.
    • P. Kumar, N. K. Nishchal, and A. AlFalou, “Color image encryption using vectorial light field through a compact optical set-up,” Journal of Optics 24 (2022) 064017.
    • P. Kumar, N. K. Nishchal, and A. AlFalou, “Controllable optical vortex array for image encoding,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 34 (2022) 521-524.
    • P. Kumar, N. K. Nishchal, T. Omatsu, and A. S. Rao, “Optical vortex array for two-dimensional exclusive-OR operation,” Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 128 (2022) 98.
    • P. Kumar and N. K. Nishchal, “Phase response optimization of a liquid crystal spatial light modulator with partially coherent light,” Applied Optics 60 (2021) 10795-10801.
    • A. Kumar, R. K. Jha, and N. K. Nishchal, “A multi-exposure fusion framework for contrast enhancement of hazy images employing dynamic stochastic resonance,” Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 81 (2021) 103376.
    • A. Kumar, R. K. Jha, and N. K. Nishchal, “Dynamic stochastic resonance and image fusion based model for quality enhancement of dark and hazy images,” Journal of Electronic Imaging 30 (2021) 063008.
    • P. Kumar and N. K. Nishchal, “Formation of singular light fields using phase calibrated spatial light modulator,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering 146 (2021) 106720.
    • A. Kumar, R. K. Jha, and N. K. Nishchal, “A joint Gamma correction and multi-resolution fusion scheme for enhancing haze degraded images,” Optical Engineering 60 (2021) 063103.
    • A. Kumar, R. K. Jha, and N. K. Nishchal, “A modified Gamma correction model for image dehazing in a multi-exposure fusion framework,” Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 78 (2021) 103122.
    • A. K. Gupta and N. K. Nishchal, “Low-light phase imaging using in-line digital holography and transport of intensity equation,” Journal of Optics 23 (2021) 025701.
    • A. K. Gupta, P. Kumar, N. K. Nishchal, and A. Al Falou, “Polarization-encoded fully-phase encryption using transport of intensity equation,” MDPI Electronics 10 (2021) 00969.
    • P. Kumar and N. K. Nishchal, “Array formation of optical vortices using in-line phase modulation,” Optics Communications 493 (2021) 127020.
    • P. Kumar, A. Fatima, and N. K. Nishchal, “Arbitrary vector beam encoding using single modulation for information security for information security applications,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 33 (2021) 243-246.
    • P. Kumar, S. K. Pal, N. K. Nishchal, and P. Senthilkumaran, "Formation of polarization singularity lattice through dual-phase modulation,"Journal of Optics 22 (2020) 115701.
    • A. K. Gupta, R. Mahendra, and N. K. Nishchal, “Single-shot phase imaging based on transport of intensity equation,” Optics Communications 477 (2020) 126347.
    • P. Kumar, S. K. Pal, N. K. Nishchal, and P. Senthilkumaran,“Non-interferometric technique to realize vector beams embedded with polarization singularities,” Journal of Optical Society of America A 37 (2020) 1043-1052.
    • A. K. Gupta, A. Fatima, N. K. Nishchal, and T. Nomura, “Phase imaging based on modified transport of intensity equation using liquid crystal variable retarder with partial incoherent illumination,” Optical Review 27 (2020) 142-148.
    • A. K. Gupta, N. K. Nishchal, and P. P. Banerjee, “Transport of intensity equation based photon counting phase imaging,” OSA Continuum 3 (2020) 236-245.
    • P. Kumar and N. K. Nishchal, “Self-referenced interference of laterally displaced vortex beams for topological charge determination,” Optics Communications 459 (2020) 125000.
    • P. Kumar and N. K. Nishchal, “Self-referenced spiral interferogram using modified lateral shearing Mach-Zehnder interferometer,” Applied Optics 58 (2019) 6827-6833.
    • P. Kumar and N. K. Nishchal, “Modified Mach-Zehnder interferometer for determining high-order topological charge of Laguerre-Gaussian vortex beams,” Journal of Optical Society of America A 36 (2019) 1447-1455.
    • P. Kumar, A. Fatima, and N. K. Nishchal, “Image encryption using phase-encoded exclusive-OR operations with incoherent illumination,” Journal of Optics 21 (2019) 065701.
    • P. Kumar and N. K. Nishchal, “Enhanced exclusive-OR and quick response code-based image encryption through incoherent illumination,” Applied Optics 58 (2019) 1408-1412.
    • A. Kumar and N. K. Nishchal, “Quick response code and interference-based optical asymmetric cryptosystem,” Journal of Information Security and Applications 45 (2019) 35-43.
    • T. Pitkaaho, V. Pitkakangas, M. Niemela, S. K. Rajput, N. K. Nishchal, and T. J. Naughton, Space-variant video compression and processing in digital holographic microscopy sensor networks with application to potable water monitoing, Applied Optics 57 (2018) E190-E198.
    • A. Kumar, A. Fatima, and N. K. Nishchal, An optical Hash function construction based on equal modulus decomposition for authentication verification, Optics Communications 428 (2018) 07-14.
    • A. Fatima and N. K. Nishchal, Image authentication using vector beam with sparse phase information, Journal of Optical Society of America A 35 (2018) 1053-1062.
    • Yatish, A. Fatima and N. K. Nishchal, Optical image encryption using triplet of functions, Optical Engineering 57 (2018) 033103.
    • A. Fatima and N. K. Nishchal, Optical image security using Stokes polarimetry of spatially variant polarized beam, Optics Communications 417 (2018) 30-36.
    • I. Mehra, A. Fatima and N. K. Nishchal, Gyrator wavelet transform, IET Image Processing 12 (2018) 432-437.
    • R. Kumar, B. Bhaduri, and N. K. Nishchal, "Nonlinear QR code based optical image encryption using spiral phase transform, equal modulus decomposition and singular value decomposition," Journal of Optics 20 (2018) 015701.
    • S. K. Rajput and N. K. Nishchal, “Optical asymmetric cryptosystem based on photon counting and phase-truncated Fresnel transforms,” Journal of Modern Optics 64 (2017) 878-886.
    • S. K. Rajput and N. K. Nishchal, “Optical double image security using random phase fractional Fourier domain encoding and phase retrieval algorithm,” Optics Communications 388 (2017) 38-46.
    • D. Kumar and N. K. Nishchal, “Synthesis and reconstruction of multi-plane phase-only Fresnel holograms,” Optik 127 (2016) 12069-12077.
    • A. Fatima and N. K. Nishchal, “Discussion on comparative analysis and a new attack on optical asymmetric cryptosystem,” Journal of Optical Society of America A 33 (2016) 2034-2040.
    • B. Javidi, A. Carnicer, M. Yamaguchi, T. Nomura, E. Perez-Cabre, M. S.Millan, N. K. Nishchal, R. Torroba, J. F. Barrera, W. He, X. Peng, A. Stern, Y. Rivenson, A. Alfalou, C. Brosseau, C. Guo, J. T. Sheridan, G.Situ, M. Naruse, T. Matsumoto, I. Juvells, E. Tajahuerce, J. Lancis, W. Chen, X. Chen, P. W. H. Pinkse, A. P. Mosk, and A. Markman, “Roadmap on Optical Security,” Journal of Optics 18 (2016) 083001.
    • A. Fatima, I. Mehra, and N. K. Nishchal, “Optical asymmetric cryptosystem using equal modulus decomposition and multiple diffractive imaging,” Journal of Optics 18 (2016) 085701.
    • D. Kumar and N. K. Nishchal, “Three-dimensional object recognition using joint fractional Fourier transform correlators with the help of digital Fresnel holography,” Optik 126 (2015) 2690-2695.
    • I. Mehra and N. K. Nishchal, “Optical asymmetric image encryption using gyrator wavelet transform,” Optics Communications 354 (2015) 344-352.
    • D. Kumar and N. K. Nishchal, “Recognition of three-dimensional objects using joint fractional correlator and nonlinear joint fractional correlator with the help of digital Fresnel holography; A comparative study,” Optical Review 22 (2015) 256-263.
    • I. Mehra, K. Singh, A. K. Agarwal, U. Gopinathan, and N. K. Nishchal, "Encrypting digital hologram of three-dimensional object using diffractive imaging," Journal of Optics 17 (2015) 035707.
    • S. K. Rajput, D. Kumar, and N. K. Nishchal, "Photon counting imaging and phase mask multiplexing for multiple images authentication and digital hologram security," Applied Optics 54 (2015) 1657-1666.
    • I. Mehra and N. K. Nishchal, “Optical asymmetric watermarking using modified wavelet fusion and diffractive imaging,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering 68 (2015) 74-82.
    • I. Mehra and N. K. Nishchal, “Wavelet-based image fusion for securing multiple images through asymmetric keys,” Optics Communications 335 (2015) 153-160.
    • S. K. Rajput, D. Kumar, and N. K. Nishchal, “Photon counting imaging and polarized light encoding for secure image verification and hologram watermarking,” Journal of Optics 16 (2014) 125406.
    • S. K. Rajput and N. K. Nishchal, “An optical encryption and authentication scheme using asymmetric keys,” Journal of the Optical Society of America A 31 (2014) 1233-1238.
    • Mehra and N. K. Nishchal, “Image fusion using wavelet transform and its application to asymmetric cryptosystem and hiding,” Optics Express 22 (2014) 5474-5482.
    • S. K. Rajput and N. K. Nishchal, “Fresnel domain nonlinear image encryption scheme based on Gerchberg-Saxton phase retrieval algorithm,” Applied Optics 53 (2014) 418-425.
    • I. Mehra and N. K. Nishchal, “Asymmetric cryptosystem for securing multiple images using two beam interference phenomenon,” Optics and Laser Technology 60 (2014) 1-7.
    • I. Mehra, S. K. Rajput, and N. K. Nishchal, “Cryptanalysis of an image encryption scheme based on joint transform correlator with amplitude- and phase-truncation approach,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering 52 (2014) 167-173.
    • S. K. Rajput and N. K. Nishchal, “Known-plaintext attack on encryption domain independent optical asymmetric cryptosystem,” Optics Communications 309 (2013) 231-235.
    • S. K. Rajput and N. K. Nishchal, “Image encryption using polarized light encoding and amplitude- and phase-truncation in Fresnel domain,” Applied Optics 52 (2013) 4343-4352.
    • I. Mehra, S. K. Rajput, and N. K. Nishchal, “Collision in Fresnel domain asymmetric cryptosystem using phase truncation and authentication verification,” Optical Engineering 52 (2013) 028202.
    • S. K. Rajput and N. K. Nishchal, “Known-plaintext attack-based optical cryptosystem using phase-truncated Fresnel transform,” Applied Optics 52 (2013) 871-878.
    • S. K. Rajput and N. K. Nishchal, “Image encryption and authentication verification scheme using fractional nonconventional joint transform correlator,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering 50 (2012) 1474-1483.
    • S. K. Rajput and N. K. Nishchal, “Asymmetric color cryptosystem that uses polarization selective diffractive optical element and structured phase mask,” Applied Optics 51 (2012) 5377-5386.
    • S. K. Rajput and N. K. Nishchal, “Image encryption based on interference that uses fractional Fourier domain asymmetric keys,” Applied Optics 51(2012) 1446-1452
    • N. K. Nishchal, “Hierarchical encrypted image watermarking using fractional Fourier domain random phase encoding,” Optical Engineering 50 (2011) 097003.
    • N. K. Nishchal and T. J. Naughton, “Flexible optical encryption with multiple users and multiple security levels,” Optics Communications 284 (2011) 735-739.
    • N. K. Nishchal, “Optical asymmetric crytposystems,” Regional Conference on Radio Science (RCRS-2020), Feb. 12-14, 2020, IIT BHU Varanasi [Invited].
    • A. K. Gupta and N. K. Nishchal, “Transport of intensity equation for phase imaging,” 20th Int’l. Symp. on Optomechatronic Technologies (ISOT-2019), Nov. 11-13, 2019, Goa [Invited].
    • P. Kumar and N. K. Nishchal, “Self-referenced interferogram of Laguerre-Gaussian beams for topological charge determination,” 20th Int’l. Symp. on Optomechatronic Technologies (ISOT-2019), Nov. 11-13, 2019, Goa.
    • P. Kumar, A. Kumar, and N. K. Nishchal, “LED-based implementation of exclusive-OR operation for securing QR code,” Int’l. Confer. on Optics and Electro-optics (XLIII Symp. of Optical Society of India) (ICOL-2019), Oct. 19-22, 2019, IRDE Dehradun [Invited].
    • A. Fatima and N. K. Nishchal, “Denoising imaging polarimetry by total variation reduction,” Int’l. Confer. on Optics and Electro-optics (XLIII Symp. of Optical Society of India) (ICOL-2019), Oct. 19-22, 2019, IRDE Dehradun.
    • A. Kumar, R. K. Jha, and N. K. Nishchal, “A weighted multi-scale fusion technique for single image haze removal,” Int’l. Confer. on Optics and Electro-optics (XLIII Symp. of Optical Society of India) (ICOL-2019), Oct. 19-22, 2019, IRDE Dehradun.
    • P. Kumar and N. K. Nishchal, “Self-referenced interferometric technique for determining high-order topological charges of vortex beams,” Int’l. Confer. on Optics and Electro-optics (XLIII Symp. of Optical Society of India) (ICOL-2019), Oct. 19-22, 2019, IRDE Dehradun.
    • A. K. Gupta and N. K. Nishchal, “Transport of intensity based photon counting phase imaging for non-invasive applications,” Int’l. Confer. on Optics and Electro-optics (XLIII Symp. of Optical Society of India) (ICOL-2019), Oct. 19-22, 2019, IRDE Dehradun.
    • A. K. Gupta, A. Fatima, and N. K. Nishchal, “Single shot transport of intensity equation based phase imaging using refractive index variation,” M5B.4OSA Topical Meeting on Digital Holography and 3D Imaging (DH-2019), May 19-23, 2019, Bordeaux, FRANCE.
    • A. K. Gupta and N. K. Nishchal, “Phase imaging based on transport of intensity equation using liquid crystal variable waveplate,” M5B.7OSA Topical Meeting on Digital Holography and 3D Imaging (DH-2019), May 19-23, 2019, Bordeaux, FRANCE.
    • P. Kumar and N. K. Nishchal, “Optical cryptosystems with quick response code,” Information Photonics-2019(IP-19), April 24-26, 2019, Yokohama, JAPAN [Invited].
    • N. K. Nishchal, “Securing information through light,” Int’l. Confer. on Photonics, Metamaterials, and Plasmonics (PMP-2019), Feb. 14-16, 2019, JIIT Noida [Invited].
    • P. Kumar, A. Fatima, and N. K. Nishchal, “Multiple image security scheme based on Stokes parameter of spatially varying polarized beam,” The Int’l. Confer. on Fiber Optics and Photonics (PHOTONICS-2018), Dec. 12-15, 2018, IIT Delhi.
    • A. K. Gupta and N. K. Nishchal, “A non-interferometric phase retrieval using liquid crystal spatial light modulator,” The Int’l. Confer. on Fiber Optics and Photonics (PHOTONICS-2018), Dec. 12-15, 2018, IIT Delhi.
    • A. Kumar and N. K. Nishchal, “A multispectral image fusion technique based on single level integer wavelet transform,” The Int’l. Confer. on Fiber Optics and Photonics (PHOTONICS-2018), Dec. 12-15, 2018, IIT Delhi.
    • Yatish, A. Fatima, and N. K. Nishchal, “Two-stage optical hierarchical authentication based on interference with sparse phase information,” The Int’l. Confer. on Fiber Optics and Photonics (PHOTONICS-2018), Dec. 12-15, 2018, IIT Delhi.
    • A. Fatima and N. K. Nishchal,“Image encryption by phase and polarization modulation of light,” 7th Bihar Science Conference, An Int’l. Confer. on Science & Technology (BSC-2018), Dec. 04-06, 2018, College of Commerce, Arts, and Science, Patna.
    • N. K. Nishchal, “Vector beam with required phase-only functions for asymmetric image encryption,” XLII Annual Meeting of the Optical Society of India-Int’l. Symp. on Optics (OSI-ISO-2018), Sept. 19-22, 2018, IIT Kanpur [Invited].
    • P. Kumar and N. K. Nishchal, “Generation of optical angular momentum of light using liquid crystal spatial light modulator,” XLII Annual Meeting of the Optical Society of India-Int’l. Symp. on Optics (OSI-ISO-2018), Sept. 19-22, 2018, IIT Kanpur.
    • A. K. Gupta and N. K. Nishchal, “Phase retrieval with liquid crystal variable retarder based on reference-less non-interferometric technique,” XLII Annual Meeting of the Optical Society of India-Int’l. Symp. on Optics (OSI-ISO-2018), Sept. 19-22, 2018, IIT Kanpur.
    • A. Fatima and N. K. Nishchal, “Simultaneous authentication verification of multiple secured images using joint transform correlation approach,” SPIE Security + Defence, Electro-optical and Infrared Systems: Technology and Applications, Sept. 10-13, 2018, Berlin, GERMANY.
    • N. K. Nishchal, “Optical asymmetric encryption schemes and attack analysis,” SPIE Security + Defence, Electro-optical and Infrared Systems: Technology and Applications, Sept. 10-13, 2018, Berlin, GERMANY.
    • A. Fatima, N. K. Nishchal, Y. Queo, A. Alfalou, and C. Brosseau, “Polarization-based encoding for optical cryptosystems,” 2nd Joensuu Confer. on Coherence & Random Polarization; Trends in Electromagentic Coherence (COHERENCE-2018), June 12-15, 2018, Joensuu, FINLAND.
    • A. Fatima, N. K. Nishchal, A. Alfalou, and C. Brosseau, “Securing image authentication using a vector beam analysis,” 2nd Joensuu Confer. on Coherence & Random Polarization; Trends in Electromagentic Coherence (COHERENCE-2018), June 12-15, 2018, Joensuu, FINLAND.
    • R. Shekhar, G. Unnikrishnan, and N. K. Nishchal, “Reconstruction quality improvement of digital holograms using multi-scale globa search,” JW4A.8 Digital Holography and 3D Imaging (Topical meeting), OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, June 25-28, 2018, Orlando, Florida, USA.
    • R. Shekhar, G. Unnikrishnan, and N. K. Nishchal, “Multiplexing multiple digital holograms for efficient transmission and recovery,” JM4A.33 Digital Holography and 3D Imaging (Topical meeting), OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, June 25-28, 2018, Orlando, Florida, USA.
    • A. K. Gupta and N. K. Nishchal, “Phase characterization of a liquid crystal spatial light modulator,” 3rd Int’l. Confer. on Microwave and Photonics (ICMAP-2018), Feb. 09-11, 2018, IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, pp. 37.
    • A. Kumar and N. K. Nishchal, “An image encryption scheme using quick response code,” 3rd Int’l. Confer. on Microwave and Photonics (ICMAP-2018), Feb. 09-11, 2018, IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, pp. 48.
    • N. K. Nishchal, “Optical security,” Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP-2017), Dec. 18-19, 2017, Mahindra Ecole Centrale, Hyderabad [Invited].
    • A. Kumar and N. K. Nishchal, “A noise induced cryptographic hash function based on double random gyrator domain phase encoding,” Int’l. Confer. on Advances in Optics & Photonics (ICAOP-2017), Nov. 23-26, 2017, Hisar.
    • A. Fatima and N. K. Nishchal, “Information security through polarization encoding,” Int’l. Confer. on Advances in Optics & Photonics (ICAOP-2017), Nov. 23-26, 2017, Hisar [Invited].
    • A. Fatima and N. K. Nishchal, “Phase modulation based optical asymmetric image encryption,” OSA Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science APS/DLS (FiO+LS 2017), Sept. 17-21, 2017, Washington, USA.
    • T. Pitkaaho, V. Pitkakangas, M. Niemela, S. K. Rajput, N. K. Nishchal, and T. J. Naughton, “Digital holographic sensor network and image analyses for distributed potable water monitoring,” Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (IMVIP-2017), Aug. 30-Sept. 01, 2017, Maynooth Univ., IRELAND.
    • N. K. Nishchal, “Optical encryption schemes,” UEM Congress 2017, Disruptive Technology & Disruptive Innovation – A Renaissance in this Century, Aug. 16-18, 2017, Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration, Cholalongkorn University, Bangkok, THAILAND [Invited].
    • A. Kumar and N. K. Nishchal, “Quick response code-based asymmetric image encryption scheme,” Int’l. Topical Meeting on Applied and Adaptive Optics (INTOPMAA-17), Aug. 11-13, 2017, IIST Trivandrum.
    • Yatish, A. Fatima and N. K. Nishchal, “Multiple image encryption using unity modulus decomposition,” Int’l. Topical Meeting on Applied and Adaptive Optics (INTOPMAA-17), Aug. 11-13, 2017, IIST Trivandrum.
    • A. Fatima and N. K. Nishchal, “Asymmetric optical encryption schemes,” Int’l. Topical Meeting on Applied and Adaptive Optics (INTOPMAA-17), Aug. 11-13, 2017, IIST Trivandrum [Invited].
    • T. Pitkaaho, V. Pitkakangas, M. Niemela, S. K. Rajput, N. K. Nishchal, and T. J. Naughton, “Digital holographic microscopy in remote potable water monitoring,” The Digital Holography and 3D Imaging (Topical meeting), May 29-June 01, 2017, Cheju Halla University, Jeju Island, SOUTH KOREA.
    • N. K. Nishchal, “Securing 3D information using digital holography,” The Digital Holography and 3D Imaging (Topical meeting), Th1A.2. May 29-June 01, 2017, Cheju Halla University, Jeju Island, SOUTH KOREA [Invited].
    • A. Fatima and N. K. Nishchal, “Image encryption using Hartley transform domain polarization encoding,” The Int’l. Confer. on Fiber Optics and Photonics (PHOTONICS-2016), Dec. 04-08, 2016, IIT Kanpur.
    • N. K. Nishchal, “Securing digital holograms through watermarking,” The Int’l. Confer. on Fiber Optics and Photonics (PHOTONICS-2016), Dec. 04-08, 2016, IIT Kanpur.
    • Yatish, A. Fatima and N. K. Nishchal, “Barcode-based watermarking and optical encryption,” The Int’l. Confer. on Fiber Optics and Photonics (PHOTONICS-2016), Dec. 04-08, 2016, IIT Kanpur.
    • A. Fatima and N. K. Nishchal, “Asymmetric optical cryptosystem; Attack analysis,” Int’l. Confer. on Light and Light-based Technologies (ICLLT-2016), Nov. 26-28, 2016, Tezpur Univ.
    • D. Kumar and N. K. Nishchal, “Digital holography for recognition and information security of 3D objects,” 3rd Int’l. Confer. on Opto-elctronics & Applied Optics (OPTRONIX-2016), Aug. 18-20, 2016, Univ. of Engineering & Management, Kolkata [Invited].
    • A. Fatima and N. K. Nishchal, “Single public key dependent attack on optical asymmetric cryptosystem,” 3rd Int’l. Confer. on Opto-elctronics & Applied Optics (OPTRONIX-2016), Aug. 18-20, 2016, Univ. of Engineering & Management, Kolkata.
    • N. K. Nishchal, “Optical security for future era,” IEEE 5G Summit, March 29-31, 2016, IIT Patna.
    • N. K. Nishchal, “Optical asymmetric cryptosystem and cryptanalysis,” Int’l. Confer. on Opto-Electronics and Applied Optics, (IEEE IEM OPTRONIX-2015) Oct. 16-17, 2015, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, CANADA [Invited].
    • D. Kumar and N. K. Nishchal, “Three-dimensional object recognition using phase-only computer-generated Fresnel hologram,” Int’l. Confer. on Opto-Electronics and Applied Optics, (IEEE IEM OPTRONIX-2015) Oct. 16-17, 2015, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, CANADA.
    • I. Mehra and N. K. Nishchal, “Optical asymmetric cryptosystem and wavelet based image fusion,” Int’l. Symp. on 3D Imaging, Metrology, Data Security (3DIM-DS 2015), Sept. 26-29, 2015, Shenzen, CHINA [Invited].
    • D. Kumar and N. K. Nishchal, “Phase-only computer generated Fresnel hologram synthesis using a symmetrical three-dimensional GS algorithm,” Siegman International School on Lasers: 2015, Aug. 02-07, 2015, Amberg, GERMANY.
    • D. Kumar and N. K. Nishchal, “Digital holography based 3D object recognition under varying light illumination using photon counting imaging,” Int’l. Confer. on Digital Holography & 3-D Imaging, May 24-28, 2015, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Shanghai, CHINA.
    • I. Mehra and N. K. Nishchal, “Double image encryption using gyrator wavelet transform,” Int’l. Confer. on Optics & Photonics (ICOP-2015), Feb. 20-22, 2015, Univ. of Calcutta.
    • D. Kumar, S. K. Rajput, and N. K. Nishchal, “Hologram watermarking with color image via phase multiplexing and photon counting imaging technique,” Int’l. Confer. on Optics & Photonics (ICOP-2015), Feb. 20-22, 2015, Univ. of Calcutta.