Books |
- Privatization Unbound: Experiences in Bangladesh and India, Bookwell, New Delhi, 2010.
- Life in the Era of COVID-19: Impact on Women-Villagemakers of Bihar and Future Prospects, jointly with Simi Mehta, Madhu Joshi, Ritika Gupta, Anshula Mehta, Devaki Singh, Sunidhi Agarwal, Eby Atee, Tanya Agrawal, Gby Atee, Reena Kumari, and Nitin Tagade, IMPRI Impact and Policy Research Institute Foundation, New Delhi (2021), ISBN: 978-81-951187-4-8.
Book Chapters:
- Exploring Smart Waste Management for Smart Agriculture in India in Waste Management, Sanitation and Society, (jointly with Dhananjaya Kumar and Meghna Dutta, in Amrita Dwivedi (Ed) Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2023.
- Revisiting Literature on Trade Facilitation (TF) in the Context of COVID-19 and South Asia', Jointly with Mamta Kumari in Studies in International Economics and Finance, Essays in Honour of Prof Bandi Kamaiah, Naoyuki Yoshino, Rajendra M Paramanik, Anoop S Kumar (Eds.) Springer,2022.
- Foreign Direct Investment in Energy –Mix : An Assessment of Sustainable Indian Cities, Smart Cities for Sustainable Development(jointly with Aditi) , Ram Kumar Mishra, Ch Lakshmi Kumari, Sandeep Chachra, P.S. Janaki Krishna, Anupama Dubey, R. B. Singh, Springer, 2022.
- Sharing Economy in India: Looking Base of the Pyramid through Critical Infrastructure in “Sharing Economy at the base of the pyramid: Opportunities and Challenges” jointly with Aditi in Qureshi Israr, Bhatt Babita, Shukla Dhirendra Mani (Eds.) Springer 2021.
- Utilizing Youth Power for Making India Great, jointly with Nribhay Sankar in YOUTH Power in India,Ziauddin Ahmad,Dalip Kumar,Vijay Lakshmi,and Syed Shuaib Ahmad, Alhikmah Foundation,New Delhi ,2021.
- Privatization and Labour in South Asia: Some Issues in Fiscal Sociology, New Essays on Fiscal Sociology -Considerations of an Encyclopedia on Fiscal Sociology, Ed. Prof. JÃrgen Backhaus, Peter Lang Verlag,2013.
- Privatization as Innovation in Governance in India, Innovative Trends in Public Governance in Asia, Vol.16, Ed. Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko, Stephen J. Baily and Pekka Valkama, IOS Press,Netherlands,2011.
- ISFTA: Lessons for Bangladesh. In S. Chatterjee, N.P. Singh, D.P. Dayal, and N. Gupta (Eds.), Managing in Recovering Markets ,New Delhi: Springer Jointly with Gaurav, K. & Sinha, P. 2014.Institutional Reform in Higher Education: Is NKN an Option? (Jointly with Naveen K. Nishchal), Imperatives for Quality Higher Education, Ed. Mridula Sahay and R K Mishra, Macmillan Publishers India Ltd,2011.
- Is Dumping Laissez Un-faire? : An Exploratory Survey of the Cases and Law in India and Beyond , International Law Association(Regional Branch, India),New Delhi,2009,
- Offshore Outsourcing (OO) in India’s ITES: How effective it is in data protection? , ‘Tradition and Innovation’ Szent István Bulletin, yearly published book, by the Szent István University Gödöllő, Hungry, 2008.
- IT and ITES: the twin growth in India’s Services Sector, in "Rethinking India's Growth Strategy: Services vs Manufacturing", Institute of Public Enterprise, 2008, Hyderabad.
Publications / Journals |
- Madhuri Kumari and Nalin Bharti, India’s Deep Integration with South Korea and Japan: A Trade Analysis, Millennial Asia,
- Ayesha and Nalin Bharti ,Effect of Technical NTMs on Indian Exports to ASEAN: What Role Do Logistics and Governance Capabilities Play?” jointly with Ayesha,September,2024.
- Nalin Bharti, 'FDI in Transport, EV sales and Governance in India: Probing Co-integration Through VECM Model', Transportation in Developing Economies, Volume 10, Issue 2,2024
- Kislay Kashyap and Nalin Bharti,Total factor Productivity Growth in the Indian Textile Sector: A Panel Data Analysis of Technical Progress, Allocative Efficiency and Scale Effects, Library Progress International,2024,
- Toni Sharma and Nalin Bharti,Are Textile and clothing the doorway in India -EU FTA?,2024,
- Revitalizing Agriculture: Role of Cow Dung and Urine in Promoting Sustainability, Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika, volume 39 issue 1 (march 2024) : 32-38.
- Mrityunjay Kumar, and Nalin Bharti ,Why Patent Waiver for Covid-19 Vaccines and Pharmaceuticals?, The Journal of World Intellectual Property, Wiley, Article DOI: jwip.12269 (accepted for publication).
- Mrityunjay Kumar, Ayesha Fatma and Nalin Bharti, Access to Medicines and Medical Equipment during COVID-19: Searching Compatibility between the WTO and the WHO, India Quarterly, Vol 78, Issue 1, March 2022, Sage.
- Ayesha Fatma and Nalin Bharti Developing Countries, Technical Non-Tariff Measures and South-South Trade: A Structural Gravity Analysis, October 2022,International Journal of Trade Economics and Finance 13(5).
- Madhuri Kumari, Nalin Bharti & Atsuko Kamiike, Japan’s investment in India: post covid-19 investment opportunities in pharmaceuticals, Transnational CorporationsReview, Volume 13, Issue 2 ,2021, Taylor & Francis.
- Mamta Kumari and Nalin Bharti, Estimating the impact of COVID-19 on South Asia's exports: does trade facilitation matter now more than ever? TransnationalCorporations Review , Volume 13, 2021 - Issue 4, 2021 Taylor & Francis.
- Mamta Kumari, Nalin Bharti, Linkages Between Trade Facilitation and Governance: Relevance for Post-COVID-19 Trade Strategy, Millenial Asia, Jan,2021,Sage.
- Madhuri Kumari, Ayesha Fatma and Nalin Bharti, Why India forwent RCEP? Analyzing Trade Diversion Effects of Indian FTAs, Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, Volume 6 , No 3,2021
- Mamta Kumari, Nalin Bharti, What Drive Trade Costs? South Asia and Beyond ,South Asia Economic Journal,November 2020,Sage.
- Mamta Kumari, Nalin Bharti,Does bureaucracy affect theoutcome of logistics performance?Empirical evidence fromSouth Asia,American Journal of Business,Nov,2020,Emrald.
- Ayesha Fatma & Nalin Bharti, Perception vs. reality: understanding the US–China trade war,Transnational Corporation Review, Volume 11, 2019 - Issue 4.
- Mritunjay kaumar and Nalin Bharti, Provisions of Generic Drugs under Section 3 (d) of Indian IP Act: What does data from the Backward States Reveal? Artha Vijnana, Vol. LXI, No.4, December 2019.
- Chandan Kumar,Nalin Bharti, Post- SAFTA NTMs for Agro- Trade: What Revealed from India- South Asia approach, Foreign Trade Review , October , 2020.
- Chandan Kumar, Nalin Bharti, Why NTM is a challenge in trade relations? Evidence from India- Africa Agro- Trade, Insight on Africa, April ,2020 .
- Kumar Gaurav, Nalin Bharti,Some Common Lessons from Uncommon FTAs, South Asia Economic Journal,: Volume 20 Issue 1, 2019.
- Chandan Kumar, Nalin Bharti Indo- EU Agricultural Trade: Trade Restrictions and SPS Measures, Óbuda University e-Bulletin, Óbuda University, Volume 8 No-1,2018.
- Kumar Gaurav, Nalin Bharti, Has the South Asian Free Trade Area_ _Improved the Member Countries Trade? Evidence from the Gravity Model, Forthcoming - International Journal of Business and Globalization (IJBG), Inder Science Publisher.
- Kumar Gaurav, Nalin Bharti, India-Japan CEPA: What RCA Index Reveals for Trade in Services? Foreign Trade Review 53(3), 2018.
- Takács István, Nalin Bharti, FDI in Central and Eastern Europe’s (CEE) Agribusiness What Lessons for India?, Foreign Trade Review, Vol 51, Issue 2, 2016, pp-113-146.
- Nalin Bharti and Gopal Ganesh, Is Labour Law a Hindrance in India’s Public Enterprises Reforms? OPTIMUM STUDIA EKONOMICZNE,NR 5 (83) 2016.
- Nalin Bharti, Kumar Gaurav and Chandan Kumar, IT-ITES trade of SAARC countries: does kaleidoscopic comparative advantage work? Int. J. Transitions and Innovation Systems, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2016,pp-80-96.
- Nalin Bharti and Shaiwal Satyarthi , 'Why TK Incompatible with IPR: Practical implications and illustrations' , Journal of Central European Green Innovation, Vol 02, Number 2, 2014.
- Kumar Gaurav ,Nalin Bharti and Priyanka Sinha , Is India Back to the Hindu Growth Rate,YOJNA, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, New Delhi, April,2014.
- Priyanka Sinha and Nalin Bharti,India’s Import Tariff Evaluation During Recent Financial Crisis, Foreign Trade Review ,February 2014 49: 45-93.
- Sinha, Priyanka.; Bharti, Nalin.; Takacs, Istvan.; and Gyorgy, T.Katalin. Have Trade Policy Reforms Improved Indo-Hungarian Trade? Some Evidence from Agriculture Sector, ACTA AGRONOMICA ÓVÁRIENSIS, VOL. 55. NO. 2. Mosonmagyaróvár,2013.
- Kumar Gaurav and Nalin Bharti, Has Bihar any Export Potential, Bihar Economic Journal,Vol-1, Issue-1,2013.
- Sadeqa Ghazal , Kumar Gaurav & Nalin Bharti, Why English? The Leader of ITES Offshore , Amity Global HRM Review, September,2013.
- Nalin Bharti and Gopal Ganesh ,Privatization and Labour in South Asia: Some Issues in Fiscal Sociology, New Essays on Fiscal Sociology -Considerations of an Encyclopaedia on Fiscal Sociology,Ed. Prof. JÃrgen Backhaus,Peter Lang Verlag,2013.
- Nalin Bharti and Chanchal Kumar, 'Information and Economic Development, Bihar Development Report,2012', Indicus Analytics, New Delhi.
- Nalin Bharti 'Privatization as Innovation in Governance in India, in Innovative Trends in Public Governance in Asia, Vol.16, Ed. Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko, Stephen J. Baily and Pekka Valkama, IOS Press,Netherlands,2011,pp203-219.
- Priyanka Sinha & Nalin Bharti, Trade Policy Reforms in India: What is missing in Recent Literature? Journal of Management & Public Policy, Vol. 4, No. 1, December 2012.
- Raj Rajesh, Sanjib Bordoloi and Nalin Bharti, Assessing The Role of Trade in Transmission of Global Financial Crisis to the Indian Economy, Indian Journal of Economics and Business, Vol 10,No 4, 2011.
- Nalin Bharti and Gopal Ganesh, Public-private partnership in India’s Urban Water Public Utilities: A case of Sonia Vihar Water Project-Delhi, Journal of Management and Public Policy,Vol.1 No- 2,Jan-June 2010.
- Nalin Bharti, 'Global Financial Crisis: A Comparative study of three Representatives (US,India and Bangladesh)of three different World- developed, developing and least developed' in Financial Crisis and Global Business Challenges, Department of Finance, University of Dhaka,2009.
- Nalin Bharti, 'Doing LPO Business in India, Int. J. Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, Vol. 6, Nos. 2/3/4, 2007.
- Nalin Bharti and Tushar Kanti Saha, 'Beyond Wines and Spirits: Developing Countries’ GI products and their potentials in WTO Regime with special reference to India, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, Vol-11,No- 2,March 2006.
- Nalin Bharti, 'Opportunities for MNCs in India’s Northeast', Vol.7No. 10, Oct-2004, Peace & Conflict, New Delhi India.