Enhancement of Single Molecule Raman Scattering using Sprouted Potato Shaped Bimetallic Nanoparticles
Authors: R. V. William, G. M. Das, V. R. Dantham and R. Laha
Abstract: Recently, single molecule Raman spectroscopy has become crucial for detecting single molecules and for extracting structural information. So far, a few researchers were able to capture single molecule Raman scattering spectra. However, the signal to noise ratio (S/N) of the obtained Raman spectra was visibly poor. However, we have successfully recorded the Raman spectra of single molecules with high S/N using plasmon-active substrates using sprouted potato shaped Au-Ag bimetallic nanostructures prepared by a new one-step synthesis method. A manuscript based on these results have been accepted for the publication in one of the Nature journals (Scientific Reports).
Publishing Date: Accepted (July & 2019)
Published in: Scientific Reports (one of the Nature Journals)