Privatization as Innovation in Governance in India
Market-State interactions are quite interesting these days in dual preference economies (where public and private both sector is equally active) like India. The Market expects minimal interference from the State but the question is: does the market require assistance from the State or should the State leave the market alone? In this connection India is an interesting economy to observe new trends in the inter-relationship between Market and State, where both are uncomfortable in decision-making, especially in the field of privatization. Another equally important question is: in which capacity does the State have its role? Does the responsibility of the State end or start after privatization? These questions are essential to answer because the Constitution of India places a very high degree of welfare responsibility on the State. This paper traces the unique and innovative responsibility of the state and the market to govern privatization properly.
This full reference for this work is:
Nalin Bharti, 'Privatization as Innovation in Governance in India, Innovative Trends in Public Governance in Asia, Vol.16, Ed. Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko, Stephen J. Baily and Pekka Valkama, IOS Press,Netherlands,2011,pp203-219.