Instructions to access facilities of Department of Physics, IIT Patna

  1. Some of the facilities in the Department of Physics are extended to users on chargeable basis.
  2. Payment as per the charges given in Table I against each instrument needs to be done prior to using the facilities.

Table-I: Details of Analytical charges to be paid for using experimental facilities

Sl. no. Name of the facility Charges (in INR, per one hour) Requisition form
IIT Patna users Users from external academic institutes Users from Industries/R & D laboratories IIT Patna Users External Users
1. X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD) 500 1500 3000 XRD-I XRD-E
2. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) 500 2000 4000
(Additional 500 per sample, if Pt/Au coating is required)
3. Thermal Analyses (DSC) 500 2000 4000 DSC-I DSC-E
4. Thermal Analyses (TGA/DTA) 500 1000 3000 TGA-I TGA-E
5. Scanning Probe Microscopy
Please see Table-II SPM-I SPM-E
6. Raman Spectroscopy 500 2000 5000 Raman-I Raman-E
7. Vector Network Analyzer 500 1000 3000 VNA-I VNA-E
8. UV-Vis Spectrophotometry/PL
(200-900 nm)
500 1000 4000 UVPL-I UVPL-E
9. Fluorescence life time
measurement (using TCSPC)
500 1000 3000 TCSPC-I TCSPC-E
10. BET Surface area analyzer 500 1000 4000 Common-I Common-E
11. Ellipsometer 500 1000 4000 Ellipso-I Ellipso-E
12. PE/FE loop 500 1000 2500 Common-I Common-E
13. ME-setup 500 1500 3000 Common-I Common-E
14. Semiconductor Parameter
500 1000 3000 Common-I Common-E
15. Vibrating Sample Magnetometer
Please see Table-III VSM-I VSM-E
16. HRTEM Please see Table-IV TEM-I TEM-E
17. Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) plant Rs. 35 per litre (Excluding transport) for IIT P user
only. No supply to external user
18. Oxide thin film deposition using
pulsed laser (PLD)
1400 2400 4800 PLD-I PLD-E
19. For observation of atomic
absorption spectroscopy and
Electromagnetically Induced
Transparency (EIT) of Rb87
atomic vapor system
500 3000 6000 Common-I Common-E


Table-II: Analytical charges related to experiments performed with SPM

Name of the facility Measurement type Analytical charges (in INR, per one hour)
IIT Patna Users Users from external
academic institutes
Users from Industries
/R & D laboratories
SPM AFM imaging only 500 1500 4000
User has to send the respective tip. Alternatively, additional amounts of
INR 2000 will be charged for issuing a normal contact/non-contact mode
tip subject to availability.
CSAFM imaging + IV curve 1000 2500 6000
User has to send the respective tip. Alternatively, additional amounts of
INR 5000 will be charged for issuing a Au/Pt coated contact mode tip
subject to availability.
Any other specific requirement with SPM To be estimated after mutual discussion


Table-III: Analytical charges related to experiments performed with VSM

Name of the facility Measurement type Analytical charges (in INR, per one hour)
IIT Patna Users Users from external academic institutes Users from Industries /R & D laboratories
VSM/ACMS M-H (at a given temperature) 1000 1000 3000
M-T/ACMS-I (60-400 K) 500 1000 3000
M-T/ACMS-II (400-1000 K) 500 1000 3000


Table-IV: Analytical charges related to experiments performed with transmission electron microscope

Name of the facility Measurement type Analytical charges (in INR, per sample)
IIT Patna Users Users from external academic institutes Users from Industries /R & D laboratories
HRTEM TEM imaging 2000 3000 6000
HRTEM 3000 4000 8000
EDS 1000 2000 4000
EDS (mapping) 2000 3000 5000
TEM+EDS 3000 4000 8000
TEM+HRTEM 4000 5000 9000
TEM+HRTEM+EDS 5000 6000 10,000
TEM+HRTEM+EDS+mapping 6000 8000 12,000
  1. Payment may be done vide DD/cheque/online transfer.
  2. The DD can be in favour of “Registrar,IIT Patna”, payable at ‘IIT Patna’.
  3. Online transfer can be made using following details.
Account number : 30957551934
Account name : Indian Institute of Technology Patna
Bank : SBI
Branch : IIT Patna Bihta Campus
IFSC : SBIN0017164
MICR : 801002005
  1. Filled in requisition form along with payment confirmation details should be sent along with the sample to the address given below.

    The Head, Department of Physics
    # 125/04, IIT Patna
    Amhara Road, Bihta
  2. It is recommended that the user gets the confirmation through e-mail about the sample compatibility/dimension as well as the instrument working status etc before sending any sample/payment.
  3. Contact Details:

    Phone: 0612 302 8142