Directory-Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Please use the prefix 06115-233 XXX (where XXX is last three digits of Phone extension number for calling from outside campus)
and append the email ID with


NameDesignationPhone extensionE-mail ID
Ajay Kumar Kalyani Asst. Professor 8814 ajay.kalyani
Anirban Chowdhury Associate Professor 8183 anirc
Anup Kumar Keshri Associate Professor 8184 anup
Dinesh Kumar Kotnees Associate Professor 8185 dinesh
Devinder Yadav Asst. Professor 8752 devinder
Tamoghna Chakrabarti Asst. Professor 8745 tamoghna
Bankey Behari Agrawal Visiting Faculty 8966 bbag


NameDesignationPhone extensionE-mail ID
Ved Prakash Junior Technical Superintendent 8212 ved.prakash
Aman Verma Junior Mechanic 8213 aman.verma

Laboratory & Offices

NamePhone extension
HOD Room 8276
HOD Office 8211
Department Office 8212
Departmental Library 8213
Research scholar room 8214
Thin film lab 8200
Ceramic lab 8201
Nanomaterials lab 8202
Polymer synthesis lab 8203
Polymer Testing and Characterization lab 8204
Polymer Processing lab 8205
Plasma coating lab 8206
Metallography and Corrosion lab 8207
Mechanical testing lab 8208
Heat treatment lab 8209
Nanoindentation lab 8210