Dr. Pradipta Chakrabortty
Assistant Professor |
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, Bihta, Bihar, 801106 |
PhD, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada |
Ph: +0611-523-3194 |
pradipt[*AT]iitp.ac.in |
Research Areas |
- Soil Dynamics and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering,
- Soil Heterogeneity,
- Finite Element Analysis in Geotechnical Engineering,
- Ground Improvement,
- Probabilistic Methods in Engineering
Other Interests |
- Geotechnical Centrifuge Modelling
- Low Cost Housing
- Application of Bamboo in Civil Engineering
Courses taught at IIT P |
- ME111: Engineering Drawing
- ME101: Engineering Mechanics
- CE206: Introduction to Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
- CE210: Soil Mechanics Laboratory
- CE214: Soil Mechanics
- CE218: Infrastructure Drawing And Estimation
- CE292: Soil Mechanics Laboratory
- CE309: Building Design, Estimation & Construction
- CE313: Transportation Engineering Laboratory
- CE317: Foundation Engineering
- CE502: Application of Probabilistic Methods in Engineering
- CE505: Advanced Engineering Mathematics
- CE506: Civil Engineering Design – II
- CE523: Soil Exploration
- CE530: Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
- CE545: Advanced Foundation Engineering
- CE553: Geotechnical Exploration
- CE592: Infrastructure Engineering Lab-II
- CE593: Seminar-I
- CE594: Seminar-II
- CE596: Civil Engineering Lab-II
- CE598: Seminar
Students |
Sr. No. |
Photo |
Area of Reasearch |
Degree |
1 |
Mr. Abhik Paul
Liquefaction Strength of Sand |
PhD |
2 |
Mr. Nitish Jauhari
Mitigation of Ground-Borne Vibrations Using Dual Open and Infilled Barriers |
PhD |
3 |
Mr. Priyam Mishra
Assessment of Thin Layer Effect on Dynamic Behaviour |
PhD |
4 |
Mr. Lokesh Saran Srivastav
Foundation Resting Near Soil Slope |
PhD |
5 |
Mr. Bidyut Roy
Seismic Microzonation |
PhD |
6 |
Mr. Nandan Kumar
Tunnelling in Soft Soil |
PhD |
7 |
Mr. Saurav Kumar
Vibration Screening Using Trenches |
PhD |
Former Students |
Sr. No. |
Photo |
Area of Reasearch |
Current Position |
1 |
Dr Vishal Puri
Title of Thesis: Development of Prefabricated Bamboo Reinforced Fly Ash Replaced Green Mortar Wall Panels |
Assistant Professor, JCBUST YMCA, Faridabad, UP, India |
2 |
Dr Angshuman Das
Title of Thesis: Free Field Dynamic Response of Quaternary Alluvium Sand: Site and Motion Characteristics Effect |
Assistant Professor, CIET, Hyderabad, India |
3 |
Dr. Tirtha Sathi Bandyopadhyay
Title of Thesis: Seismic Behaviour of Mechanically
Stabilized Earth Walls: Experimental, Numerical and Analytical Approach |
Post-Doc, NITK, Surathkal |
Current Sponsored Projects |
Sr. No. |
Title |
Principal Investigator |
Co-Principal Investigator |
Duration |
Sponsoring Agency |
Cost |
Status |
1 |
Microzonation of Jaipur city based on shear wave velocity |
PI |
No Co-PI |
SERB under Fast Track Scheme for Young Scientists, DST |
16.02 |
Completed |
2 |
Analysis and design of mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls |
PI |
No Co-PI |
Global Initiative for Academic Network, Ministry of Education |
8.16 |
Completed |
3 |
Dynamic Behaviour of Sand in Quaternary Alluvial Deposit Containing Soil Lumps |
PI |
Dr. R. K. Bag |
Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS) |
31.37 |
Ongoing |
4 |
Microzonation of Patna City for better preparation during Future Earthquakes |
PI |
No Co-PI |
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) under core research grant (CRG), DST |
28.02 |
Ongoing |
5 |
DST FIST (Level – C) |
Head [CEE] |
Co-PI |
Department of Science and Technology (DST) |
96.0 |
Ongoing |
Professional Experience |
- July 2012 – Present Indian Institute Technology Patna, India as Assistant Professor
- October 2009 – June 2012 Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani, India as Assistant Professor (Civil)
- June 2009 – October 2009 National Buildings Construction Corporation (NBCC) Ltd., India as Sr. Project Executive (Civil)
- 2004 - 2007 Memorial University of Newfoundland, NL, Canada as Teaching Assistant
- April 2002 - July 2003 Department of Earthquake Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India as Project Assistant
Administrative Experience |
- HoD/Coordinator at IIT Patna:
- Department: Civil & Environmental Engineering
- Duration: January 2013 – December 2015 (3years)
- Department: Institute Works Department
- Duration: December 2015 – March 2017 (1year 3Months)
- Overall project in-charge (OPIC): IIT Patna construction of first phase of permanent campus
- Duration: July 2015 – December 2015 (6months)
- Chairman (GATE): IIT Patna
- Duration: April 2017 – August 2021 (4years 5months)
- Centre-in-charge: Centre of Earthquake Engineering Research, IIT Patna
- Duration: September 2020 – September 2022
- Institute Academic Program Committee Member:
- Duration: January 2013 – December 2015
- Senate Member:
- Duration: January 2013 – December 2015, April 2017- August 2021, and July 2024 – till date.
- Convocation committee:
- 1st Convocation: Seating arrangement committee member
- 2nd Convocation: Invitation committee member
- 3rd and 4th Convocation: Electrical / Civil works committee member
- Mentor for students of Chanakya Hall (room no 421-430) for academic year 2012-2013
- Professor In Charge: Civil Building at Transit campus: January 2013- June 2014
- Member of Anti-ragging committee: 2013, 2014, 2018, 2019, 2022
- Institute committee for movement to permanent campus
- Committee member for revising all B.Tech. curriculum: 2015
Awards & Honours |
- 2024: IGS – YGE Best Paper Biennial Award for the paper titled “Vibration Mitigation using Dual-Open and Infilled Trenches in Layered Soil Media: Field Tests and Numerical Simulations” by Nitish Jauhari, Amarnath Hegde and Pradipta Chakrabortty published in Computer and Geotechnics 170 (2024) 106283 on “Computational Geomechanics”.
- 2022: IGS–AIMIL Biennial Award for best paper published in Indian Geotechnical Journal; paper titled “Evaluation of Dynamic Properties of Partially Saturated Sands Using Cyclic Triaxial Tests” by Pradipta Chakrabortty, Aaditaya Raj Roshan and Angshuman Das published in Indian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 50, Issue 6, December 2020 (pp.948-962).
- 2018: Bharat Vikas Award by Institute of Self Reliance.
- 2009: Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, Fellow of the school of graduate studies award (Certificate) for outstanding achievement and contribution during Ph.D.
- January 2004- February 2008: Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, Canada- Graduate scholarship from school of graduate studies (SGS) for doing PhD.
- 2002: Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee: The Indian Service of Engineers award (Rs. 2000 + Certificate) for standing first in the class of soil dynamics in earthquake engineering department at IIT Roorkee.
- August 2000-January 2002: Department of Earthquake Engineering, IIT Roorkee, India: University Grants Commission (U.G.C.) scholarship for doing M. Tech.
Member of Professional bodies |
- Editorial Board Member
- Scientific Reports, Springer Nature [Journal Impact Factor: 3.8; 5-year Journal Impact Factor: 4.3]
- Lifetime Member:
- Indian Society of Earthquake Technology (ISET)
- Indian Geotechnical Society (IGS)
- The Institution of Engineers (India)
Books |
Publications / Journals |
- T.S. Bandyopadhyay, P. Chakrabortty and A. Hegde (2024) “Effect of geofoam inclusion on dynamic response of mechanically stabilized earth walls with sand-crumb rubber backfill”, Indian Geotechnical Journal, (Accepted).
- A. Paul, and P. Chakrabortty (2024), “Microstructural Characterization of Alluvial Sand Containing Cohesive Soil Lumps During Loading and Inundating”, International Journal of Civil Engineering, 22, 2041-2058. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40999-024-00974-1
- N. Jauhari, A. Hegde and P. Chakrabortty (2024), “Vibration mitigation using dual-open and infilled trenches in layered soil media: Field tests and numerical simulations”, Computers and Geotechnics, 170, 106283, Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2024.106283
- P. Mishra, and P. Chakrabortty (2024). “Prediction of void ratio and shear wave velocity for soil in quaternary alluvium using cone penetration tests”, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 83(3), 88. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-024-03587-z
- R. Popescu, and P. Chakrabortty, (2024) “Mechanism of seismic liquefaction for heterogeneous soil”, Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 176, 108339, Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2023.108339
- A. Paul, P. Chakrabortty, A Burman and Sapan Kumar (2024). “Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment of Sitamarhi in the central Himalayan region”, Journal of the Geological Society of India, 100 (7), 1007-17. https://doi.org/10.17491/jgsi/2024/173943
- P. Chakrabortty, L. S. Srivastava and P. Kumar (2023), “A simple analytical model for bamboo-reinforced slopes using modified Bishop method”, Frontier in Built Environment, Geotechnical Engineering section, 9.
- T.S. Bandyopadhyay, P. Chakrabortty and A. Hegde (2023) “Seismic performance of mechanically stabilized earth walls with sand-crumb rubber backfills of varying proportion”, Construction and Building Materials, 389, 131717, Available online from May 2023.
- T.S. Bandyopadhyay, P. Chakrabortty and A. Hegde (2023), “Interaction between geogrid and sand-crumb rubber mixtures in laboratory pullout conditions”, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 8 (5), 81-99, Available online from April 2023.
- N. Jauhari, A. Hegde and P. Chakrabortty (2023), “Full scale field studies for assessing the vibration isolation performance of single and dual trenches”, Transportation Geotechnics, 100932, 39, Elsevier.
- T.S. Bandyopadhyay, P. Chakrabortty and A. Hegde (2023), “Dynamic response of the mechanically stabilized earth walls with different reinforcement and backfill conditions”, International Journal of Civil Engineering, 21 (1), 81-99, Available online from August 2022.
- A. Das, P. Chakrabortty R. Deb and S. Banerjee (2023), “Prediction of large-strain cyclic behavior of clean sand using artificial neural network approach”, International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics., Springer (in press).
- V. Puri, P. Chakrabortty, and S. Majumdar (2022). “Performance assessment of bamboo bond strength in cement–fly ash mortar”. Structures and Buildings - Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, ICE Publishing. Available online from October 2022.
- T.S. Bandyopadhyay, S.K. Nandan, and P. Chakrabortty (2022). Evaluation of Wall Inclination Effect on the Dynamic Response of Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls Using Shaking Table Tests. International Journal of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, 13 (1), Available online from August 2022.
- T.S. Bandyopadhyay, P. Chakrabortty and A. Hegde (2022). Laboratory pullout testing of biaxial geogrid in sand-crumb rubber mixtures. International Journal of Civil Infrastructure, 5, 43-50
- A. Das, and P. Chakrabortty (2022), “Simple models for predicting cyclic behaviour of sand in quaternary alluvium”, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 15, 385, Springer.
- N. Nilay, P. Chakrabortty, and R. Popescu, (2022) “Liquefaction Hazard Mapping Using Various Types of Field Test Data” , Indian Geotechnical Journal, pp. 280-300, 52, Springer. (Available online from September 2021).
- A. Das, and P. Chakrabortty, (2022) “Large strain dynamic characteristics of quaternary alluvium sand with emphasis on empirical pore water pressure generation model”, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, pp. 5729-52, 26 (12), Taylor & Francis (Available online from April 2021).
- A. Das, and P. Chakrabortty, (2021) “Artificial neural network and regression models for prediction of free-field ground vibration parameters induced from vibroflotation”, Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 148, Elsevier (Available online from April 2021).
- A. Das, P. Chakrabortty, and R. Popescu, (2021) “Assessment of Lumped Particles Effect on Dynamic Behaviour of Fine and Medium Grained Sands”, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, pp. 745-766, 19, Springer (Available online from November 2020).
- P. Chakrabortty, N. Nilay, and A. Das (2020). “Effect of Silt Content on Liquefaction Susceptibility of Fine Saturated River Bed Sands”, International Journal of Civil Engineering, Springer (Available online from September 2020).
- P. Chakrabortty, Aaditya Raj Roshan, and A. Das (2020). “Evaluation of Dynamic Properties of Partially Saturated Sands Using Cyclic Triaxial Tests”. Indian Geotechnical Journal, pp: 948-962, 50 (6), Springer. (Available online from April 2020).
- A. Das, and P. Chakrabortty (2020). “Influence of Motion Energy and Soil Characteristics on Seismic Ground Response of Layered Soil”. International Journal of Civil Engineering, pp. 763-82, 18 (7), Springer (Available online from January 2020).
- V. Puri, P. Chakrabortty, and S Anand (2020). “Flexural behaviour of bamboo-reinforced wall panels with varying fly ash content”. Magazine of Concrete Research, pp: 434-446, 72 (9), ICE, UK.
- P. Chakrabortty, U. Kumar, V. Puri (2018), “Seismic Site Classification and Liquefaction Hazard Assessment of Jaipur City, India”. Indian Geotechnical Journal, pp. 768-779, 48 (4).
- V. Puri, P. Chakrabortty, S. Anand, S. Majumdar (2017). “Bamboo reinforced prefabricated wall panels for low cost housing”. Journal of Building Engineering, 52-59, Vol. 9.
- A. Das, and P. Chakrabortty (2016). “One-Dimensional Seismic Energy Transmission Along Heterogeneous Layered Soil. International Journal of student’s Research in Technology & Management, Vol. 4, No. 3, November (Best paper prize in SHILP, IIT (BHU), 2016 published in the journal).
- P. Chakrabortty, and R. Popescu (2012). “Numerical simulation of centrifuge tests on homogeneous and heterogeneous soil models”. Computers and Geotechnics, Vol. 41, April, pp. 95-105.
- P. Chakrabortty, and R. Popescu (2012). “Spectral Amplification of Seismic Motion Travelling Through Natural Sand Deposits”. The Open Numerical Methods Journal, Bentham Open, Vol. 4, pp. 8-23.
- P. Chakrabortty, R. Popescu, and Ryan Phillips (2011). “Liquefaction of heterogeneous sand: Centrifuge study”, ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal (GTJ), vol. 34 (3), May, pp. 227-237.
- R. Popescu, J. H. Prevost, George Deodatis, and P. Chakrabortty (2006). “Dynamics of nonlinear porous media with applications to soil liquefaction”. Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, vol. 26(6-7), June-July, pp. 648-665.
Invited Talks |
- Title: Training Module for Building Construction Department, Government of Bihar, Bihar
Date: May 20 – June 08, 2013 Place: IIT Patna Lecture: 14 sessions
- Title: Earthquake Resistant Design Based on Recently Revised Seismic Codes
Date: April 05 – April 07, 2018 Place: IIT Patna Lecture: 2 sessions
- Title: A Workshop on Advances in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering (ASGE)
Date: June 05 – June 09, 2018 Place: IIT (ISM) Dhanbad Lecture: 1 session
- Title: Soil Liquefaction in Heterogeneous Soil: Mechanism and Assessment Online webinar organized by Indian Geotechnical Society Kolkata Chapter
Date: 22nd August 2020
- Title: Soil Exploration and its Importance in Civil Construction Online webinar organized by The Institution of Engineers (India),
Durgapur Chapter Date: 19th July 2021
- Title: Application of ANN in Prediction of Cyclic Behaviour of Cohessionless Soil
Online webinar organized by Department of Civil Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India Date: 22nd April 2022
- Title: Introduction to Earthquake Engineering
Online faculty development program organized by Department of Civil Engineering, DR. B.C. Roy Engineering College, Durgapur Date: 21st June 2022
- Title: Artificial Intelligence in Prediction of Cyclic Behaviour of Soil
Online faculty development program organized by Department of Civil Engineering, DR. B.C. Roy Engineering College, Durgapur Date: 22nd June 2022